
  • 网络Keelung;keelung city
  1. 被拆成二截展示于基隆市情人湖风景区的CT271。

    The tender of CT271 was separated to display at Lover 's Lake , Keelung .

  2. 不同「年龄、服务年资、职务、是否参与过相关视导研习活动」之基隆市国民小学教育人员对发展性视导整体的知觉情形达显著差异。

    There were above average perception for the elementary schools educators'points of view about the ideals of teacher professional development by Developmental Supervision in Keelung City .

  3. 常出现于海岸、河口、湖泊、港口地带,基隆港为目前最容易观察、亲近和欣赏的地点,也因此,老鹰为基隆市野鸟学会之会鸟。

    Keelung Harbor offers a excellent spot to observe eagles , which explains why the Wild Bird Society of Keelung chooses eagle to the bird of the Society .