
  • Tarot;Tarot Card
  1. 如今塔罗牌又广为流行起来了。

    Today there is a considerable revival of tarot .

  2. 我为了你买的,那是维多利亚时代的塔罗牌。

    I bought them for you . they 're Victorian Tarot cards .

  3. 为什么你藏了一副塔罗牌在你的乐器房里?

    Why did you hide that Tarot Deck in your music room ?

  4. 这个女人随后就被塔罗牌杀手杀死了。

    Who was later killed by the tarot card killer .

  5. 警方称之为塔罗牌杀手的罪犯。

    Known to the police as the tarot card killer .

  6. 但亨利伴克斯才是塔罗牌杀手。

    But Henry banks is the tarot card serial killer .

  7. 而且把这个案子伪装成塔罗牌杀手干的。

    And made it look like a Tarot killing .

  8. 但是露比坚持塔罗牌上的叫法。

    But Ruby hung up on them Tarot cards .

  9. 请问您对塔罗牌占卜有什么看法?

    What are your views on Tarot divination ?

  10. 最近我算了算塔罗牌。

    I read tarot cards these days .

  11. 荣耀你的牌,以正直的心态运用塔罗牌来协助别人。

    Honor your deck and work with your tarot cards with integrity to help others .

  12. 难以置信,但如果他真是塔罗牌杀手。

    Hard to believe , but if he did turn out to be the Tarot killer .

  13. 玩塔罗牌和其它的垃圾。

    Tarot readings and other garbage .

  14. 然后把它混进塔罗牌连环谋杀,这样他就不会被抓了。

    Then folded it into the series of the Tarot killer so he wouldn 't get caught .

  15. 占星学在中世纪的欧洲十分盛行,和其他预测未来的方法一样,比如说:塔罗牌。

    Astrology enjoyed great popularity in medieval Europe , along with other fortunetelling methods such as the Tarot .

  16. 我已无数次地使用塔罗牌来为企业作直觉策略计划工具和刺激灵感思维。

    I have used tarot numerous times with businesses as an intuitive strategic planning tool and brainstorming process .

  17. 我们也会把这种头脑中的想象和第一张塔罗牌中所画的站立的人的形象联系起来。

    We associated as well this mental image with the lame no.1 of the tarots showing in fact a standing man .

  18. 在筛选过程中塔罗牌也发挥了作用,传统的中医专家确定她们的健康状态。

    Tarot cards played a part in the selection process and traditional Chinese medicine experts determined the state of their health .

  19. 塔罗牌算命师会将牌摊开,以牌陈列的方式找出特殊涵义。

    Tarot readers will spread out the cards and find a certain meaning in the way different cards are placed together .

  20. 祂也被视同是塔罗牌中主牌20的审判,其示现祂在复活扮演角色的力量。

    He can be seen on the Tarot card Key20 Judgement , which shows him in his role as the resurrecting force .

  21. 将塔罗牌引进你的生活,就好像拥有一位具有智慧的密友,时时刻刻为你提供明晰的了解与忠告。

    Having this tool in your life is like having a wise and intimate friend always available to give advice and clarity .

  22. 你提到的轮子是由卡巴拉的象征组成,连同着塔罗牌和生命树的二十二条道路。

    The wheel you refer to combines the symbology of Kabbalah with the Tarot cards and the 22 paths in the Tree of Life .