
jìng kuàng
  • circumstances;condition
境况 [jìng kuàng]
  • [circumstances] 处境;状况

  • 境况不佳

境况[jìng kuàng]
  1. 他的作品充满了有关人类境况的深邃见解和话外音。

    His work is full of profundities and asides concerning the human condition .

  2. 改善自己境况的愿望人皆有之。

    In every human being there is a wish to ameliorate his own condition .

  3. 我们的投资境况不佳。

    Our investments are not doing well .

  4. 看到这些人的生活境况,我深受触动。

    It has touched me deeply to see how these people live

  5. 一定有很多人处在我这种境况。

    There must be any number of people in my position .

  6. 洛杉矶穷人的境况仍未得到改善。

    Conditions for the poor in Los Angeles have not improved .

  7. 时间不可避免地掩盖了每种境况的特殊之处。

    Time inevitably glosses over the particularities of each situation .

  8. 被日常境况磨砺得坚韧顽强的人们

    people who have been toughened by their daily circumstances .

  9. 对这种不幸境况负有直接责任的人是该省的省长。

    The man immediately responsible for this misery is the province 's governor

  10. 英国铁路公司遭受了4,500万英镑的巨额损失后境况更加惨淡。

    The gloom deepened after a thumping £ 45m loss at British Rail .

  11. 现在我的境况好转了,我真希望他能在这里。

    I only wish he were here now that things are getting better for me

  12. 每个人都知道他境况艰难。

    Everyone knew he was in a pinch .

  13. 但是,那些指望靠投资获取收入的人境况更为糟糕。

    But anyone looking for income from their investments is in a much worse state .

  14. 那么我的境况又会如何呢?

    So where does that leave me ?

  15. 他们是帝王的后代,但是现在境况大不如前了。

    They are the descendants of emperors and kings and are now living in reduced circumstances .

  16. 如果他们所有人都团结一致,他们在物质上和感情上的境况都将大为改善。

    They would be far better off , materially and emotionally , if they all pulled together .

  17. 他必须现在就打破把他束缚在当前境况的习惯。

    He had to break right now the chains of habit that bound him to the present .

  18. 五分之三的受访者觉得该预算案不好不坏,他们的境况不会好到哪里去。

    Three in every five interviewed felt that the Budget was neutral and they would be no better off

  19. 我的经济境况使我无法对几十万英镑无动于衷。

    I 'm not in a financial position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand pounds .

  20. 战争开始的时候,他们认为自己境况不错,因为他们粮食准备充足。

    When the war started , they thought they were sitting pretty , because they had all that extra grain .

  21. 搬到这里以后,她似乎对自己的境况挺满意。

    After moving here , she seemed to be satisfied with her lot .

  22. 那位领导人对难民的悲惨境况很担忧。

    The leader was much concerned over the plight of the refugees .

  23. 我们本来就窘迫的境况由于语言障碍变得更加困难了。

    Our difficulties were compounded by the language barrier .

  24. 现在,我的业务不断扩大,我的境况日益安逸。

    My business was now constantly augmenting , and my circumstances growing daily easier .

  25. 许多人由于境况所逼又不得不在某种程度上参与这种活动。

    Many people are forced by exigencies of circumstance to take some part in them .

  26. 到了2013年,多达75个男孩里才会有一个叫常见名。经济境况好的时候,美国人取名的花样非常多。

    Fast forward to 2013 , it was one out of 75 boys that receive the most common name of their birth year .

  27. “非妈族(not+mother)”指不是母亲的女性,她们通常不是自愿选择不做母亲,而是境况使然。

    NoMo refers to a woman who is not a mother , particularly by circumstance rather than by choice . ( not + mother ) Example :

  28. 百思买(BestBuy)的境况非常糟糕。

    Best buy is in bad shape .

  29. 数据仓库(DataWarehouse)技术的出现为解决企业信息系统中存在的海量数据和信息贫乏的不利境况提供了一种可行的途径。

    Due to the advent of data warehouse technology , a method is available to solve the adverse condition of'data rich and information poor existed in the enterprise MIS .

  30. 纽约非营利研究机构Catalyst的一项新研究显示,拥有工商管理硕士(MBA)学位的女性在经济衰退期间的境况跟同等资历的男性一样。

    Women with M.B.A.s have fared during the recession as well as their male counterparts , according to a new study by New York nonprofit research group Catalyst .