
wài xiānɡ rén
  • Outsider;provincial;non-native
  1. 他是外乡人。

    He is not from these parts .

  2. 在乡间,外乡人一样受欢迎。

    In country places , strangers are welcome as such .

  3. 外乡人,这里没你说话的份儿!

    Stranger , you have no right to speak here !

  4. 外乡人问村民为什么只喝牛奶。

    He asked the farmers why they used their milk only for drinking .

  5. 他得先调查一下,问问这船上是不是留客得有不端正的外乡人。

    He had to find out whether they had any suspicious strangers on board .

  6. 外乡人本不该有那么多抱怨,当地人并不喜欢听那么多的外来抱怨。

    Foreigners do complain more than they should , and locals do not like it .

  7. 他们知道村里人都把他们看作外乡人,这让他们受不了。

    They know they are regarded as strangers in the village and they cannot bear it .

  8. 让一个外乡人独自逛来逛去,那实在太危险了。

    It was simply too dangerous for anyone not a native to go wandering about by himself .

  9. 爱德华,这个外乡人指名让伯杰斯发这笔钱,这件事看起来是不是有点怪呀?

    Edward , doesn 't it seem odd that the stranger should appoint Burgess to deliver the money ?

  10. 我现在宣读那位外乡人的另一个文件。译文:不,是另外一个人要去印第安那。

    I now offer the stranger 's remaining document . No , someone else is going to Indiana .

  11. 朋友们,在我手下,是一位外乡人对我们的令人信服的表彰;

    Under my hand , my friends , rests a stranger 's eloquent recognition of what we are ;

  12. 他们抗议说,在新经济形势下,外乡人都找到了工作,而许多澳门本地的中年人却仍然没有工作。

    They protest that outsiders are finding jobs in the new economy while many middle-aged Macanese remain jobless .

  13. 太27:7他们商议、用那银钱买了瑶户的一块田、要埋葬外乡人。

    And they took counsel , and bought with them the potter 's field , to bury strangers in .

  14. 第一个问题是,那位给过外乡人二十块钱的公民会是谁呢?

    The first question was , Who could the citizen have been who gave the stranger the twenty dollars ?

  15. 他在暗处对外乡人说那句话的时候,我在旁边听见了&那是在赫尔胡同。

    I overheard him make that remark to the stranger in the dark & it was in Hale alley .

  16. 有时德里被叫做“外乡人之城”,这里居住着1947年印巴分治时来的难民或是寻找工作的移民。

    It is sometimes described as " nobody 's city ", inhabited by refugees from India's1947 Partition or by job-seeking migrants .

  17. 但是这种好像“外乡人”的意识感受,并不受你们物质世界的限制,你完全可以经验这个所谓的“空间”。

    But the non-local aspect of your consciousness that is unfettered by the limitations of your physical reality can experience this space .

  18. 我想请教你,先生,难道他们俩都对那位外乡人说了一模一样的话不成?

    I put it to you , sir , can both have happened to say the very same words to the stranger ?

  19. 这位足智多谋的老人对我们两个无依无靠的外乡人的关切使我为之感动。

    I was much touched by this act of kindness on the part of that wily old man towards two utterly defenceless strangers .

  20. “你想的是,如果有人猜得出古德森对那个外乡人说过什么话就好了。”

    " You were thinking , if a body could only guess out WHAT THE REMARK WAS that Goodson made to the stranger . "

  21. 这外乡人适应了我们的生活习惯。让一个外乡人独自逛来逛去,那实在太危险了。

    The stranger conformed his ways to ours . It was simply too dangerous for anyone not a native to go wandering about by himself .

  22. 他们每人给了那落难的外乡人二十块钱外加一番忠告他们轮流说了一遍从头到尾一共花了二十二分钟。

    They gave the suffering stranger twenty dollars apiece and that remark each in his turn it took twenty-two minutes for the procession to move past .

  23. 现在我请大家考虑一件事,仔细推敲一下:那天夜里外乡人对我感激不尽;

    Now I will ask you to consider this point , and weigh it well ; that stranger 's gratitude to me that night knew no bounds ;

  24. 也正因为如此,可以说赵九杰的油画风景画,充分表现了一个“外乡人”的新鲜感和好奇心,并且不失表现的深度。

    In this sense , we can say that Zhao Jiujie 's landscape oil paintings display the freshness and curiosity of a " stranger ", but not without intensity .

  25. 有着六朝古都美誉的南京是江苏省政治、经济、文化发展的核心,每年都吸引着大批外乡人来此打拼、发展。

    With history of six dynasties , Nanjing has become the political , economic and cultural development center in Jiangsu province , attracting a large number of " Migrant Workers " to join .

  26. 咱希望这位部长向皇帝讲明咱的卑微职责,而且要让他明白,咱认为,对于咱这个外乡人来讲,介入两党之间的纷争不是咱要做的事;

    I desired the Secretary to present my humble duty to the Emperor , and to let him know , that I thought it would not become me , who was a foreigner , to interfere with parties ;

  27. 全城都知道这个外乡人,知道他是谁。在最富有的一家人家里,为他举行了宴会。凡是有点儿面子的人,或者家里有点儿财产的人,都被请来了。

    The whole town knew who the stranger was ; and one of the richest men in the place gave a party in his honor , and all who were of any consequence , or who possessed some property , were invited .