
  • 网络Foreign government loans
  1. 辽宁省肿瘤医院利用外国政府贷款促进发展

    To Promote Development by Utilizing Foreign Government Loans in Liaoning Cancer Hospital

  2. 利用外国政府贷款的程序和风险防范

    The Procedures and Risk Management of Utilizing Foreign Government Loans

  3. 利用外国政府贷款医疗项目操作程序及需要注意的问题

    Questions and medical operating procedure in using the foreign government loan

  4. 利用外国政府贷款回顾与展望

    Reviewing and prospecting the utilization of foreign governmental loan

  5. 使用国际组织或者外国政府贷款、援助资金的项目。

    Projects using loans or aid funds from international organizations or foreign governments .

  6. 作为一种政府主导下的融资方式,外国政府贷款有其特殊的涵义和流程。

    As a government-guide financing way , foreign government loans have its special meanings and procedures .

  7. 再转贷项目作为外国政府贷款一类项目进行管理。

    The reloaning projects shall be administered as the projects of category I of foreign government loans .

  8. 支持自治区政府积极利用国际金融组织和外国政府贷款。

    Support for the government of the autonomous region in actively using loans from international financial organizations and foreign governments .

  9. 开封市西区污水处理厂是河南省第一批利用外国政府贷款兴建的污水处理工程。

    As a foreign governmental loan project of first run in Henan Province , the west wastewater treatment plant in Kaifeng City has been constructed .

  10. 综合了申请利用外国政府贷款医疗项目所涉及的部门、政策规定、申请程序、工作要求等,并按照实际工作中的大体操作顺序作了较为具体的介绍。

    It tells you something about the government departments in charge of project , the policy , the operating procedure and requirement detailed for applying foreign government loan .

  11. 本规定所称国外贷款是指:外国政府贷款(含混合贷款)、国际金融组织贷款。

    I.The term " foreign loans " in this regulation refers to the loans granted by foreign governments ( including mixed loans ) and those granted by international financial organizations .

  12. 针对我国电力建设项目如何利用好外国政府贷款的问题,重点介绍了其审批程序及有关政策和吉林省电力有限公司(以下简称省电力公司)实际利用外国政府贷款的情况。

    Aimed at the issue how to utilize the foreign government loan for electric power construction project in our country , the paper mainly introduces its approval procedure , relative law and actual situation for jilin province .

  13. 我国水利利用外资经历了从无到有、从小到大、从单一接受国外无偿援助到利用国际金融机构、外国政府贷款和出口信贷的过程。

    Water sector in China has experienced a process of utilizing foreign investment from small amount to large number , from simply accepting overseas grants to borrow loans and expert credit from international financial organizations and foreign governments .

  14. 政府外债项目是指我国各级政府借用国际金融组织和外国政府贷款投资建设的基础设施、社会发展等项目,我国政府外债项目几乎涉及所有行业和部门。

    Projects financed by government foreign debts mean that governments at each level borrow funds from international financial organizations and foreign governments to invest in infrastructure construction and social development . These projects in china benefit nearly all industries and social sections .

  15. 国家政策性银行贷款、国际金融组织和外国政府优惠贷款,尽可能多安排西部地区的项目。

    The region will also be granted as much as possible State policy loans and loans provided with preferential terms by international financial organizations or foreign governments .

  16. 充分利用国际组织和外国政府的贷款,对促进新疆经济发展发挥了积极、重要的作用。

    Loans from international organizations and foreign governments , which have been made full use of , have played an important and positive role in Xinjiang 's economic development .

  17. 第二十五条审计机关对国际组织和外国政府援助、贷款项目的财务收支,进行审计监督。

    Article 25 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of projects with aids or loans provided by international organizations or governments of other countries .