
  • 网络Invasive alien species;Invasive Species;alien invasive species;IAS
  1. 了解外来入侵物种(alieninvasivespecies,AIS)的生物学涉及纯生物学及应用生物学的问题。

    Understanding the biology of alien invasive species ( AIS ) is a problem for pure , as well as applied biology .

  2. 中国外来入侵物种的分布与传入路径分析

    The distribution and introduction pathway of alien invasive species in China

  3. 广东外来入侵物种的生态危害与防治对策

    Ecological damage and prevention strategy of invasive alien species in Guangdong

  4. 外来入侵物种包括自然物种和转基因物种。

    It may be classified natural species and genetically modified organizations .

  5. 第一章主要从对外来入侵物种的概述出发。

    First chapter I embarks the external invasion species outline .

  6. 有关外来入侵物种管理的立法应贯彻风险预防原则。

    Legislation of alien invading species management should abide risk precautionary principle .

  7. 外来入侵物种造成的间接经济损失估算模型

    Models of estimation of indirect economic losses caused by invasive alein species

  8. 外来入侵物种造成经济损失的评估

    Assessment of Economic Damage From Alien Invasive Species

  9. 中国主要外来入侵物种的危害及防治措施

    The Damage of Major Adventitious Invasive Species in our Country and Countermeasure for Control

  10. 对中国而言,主要的外来入侵物种中入侵植物占多数。

    And in China , the majority of the invasive species are invasive plants .

  11. 准确理解外来入侵物种的含义;

    Accurately defining the meaning of exotic species ;

  12. 红脂大小蠹是我国一种危害油松等松树的外来入侵物种。

    Dendroctonus valens is a dangerous insect pest of several pine species in China .

  13. 外来入侵物种的法律管制

    Legal Control on the Alien Invasive Species

  14. 肆意蔓延的幽灵&外来入侵物种

    The Alien Invasive Species Are Spreading Rapidly

  15. 黄河三角洲外来入侵物种米草的分布面积与扩展速度

    Distribution area and expanding speed of Alien invasive species Spartina spp. in Yellow River Delta

  16. 外来入侵物种管理与生物多样性保护

    External Invasion Species Management and Biodiversity Protection

  17. 云南省外来入侵物种调查及检疫性有害生物的风险分析

    The Statistical Investigation of Invasive Alien Species and the Quarantine Pests Risk Analysis in Yunnan Province

  18. 报告指出,其它影响包括,外来入侵物种的扩散和传染病的传播。

    Other consequences could include the spread of invasive species and infectious diseases , it said .

  19. 外来入侵物种紫茎泽兰的生物生态学特征与防治途径

    Biological characteristics of Crofton weed , an exotic invader , and the ways to prevent its invasion

  20. 对黄河三角洲外来入侵物种米草的生物学、生态学特性进行了观测和研究。

    In Yellow River Delta , the biological and ecological characteristics of an invasive alien species spartina were investigated .

  21. 以森林资源清查资料和典型案例报道提供的数字为主要信息源,计算了2000年度外来入侵物种对森林生态系统影响间接经济损失。

    The indirect economic loss is in proportion to the decrease of forest growth caused by alien invasive species .

  22. 第二章介绍和分析了有关外来入侵物种的国际和国外立法动态;

    In the second chapter we introduce and analyze the international and foreign legislation dynamic states concerning the alien species invasion .

  23. 邛海湿地外来入侵物种现状调查及对邛海湿地的影响我曾仔细地查阅了最老的航海志。

    Present Situation of Invasive Species in QiongHai Wetland and Their Impact on Its Ecosystem I have carefully searched the oldest voyages .

  24. 外来入侵物种对遗传多样性的影响主要体现在:种群破碎化,导致遗传漂变和近亲交配;

    The impacts of biological invasion on genetic resources are as following : local population is fragmented , causing genetic drift and inbreeding ;

  25. 合理利用生态位理论,将为切实制定有害生物综合治理策略和探讨外来入侵物种种群形成机理等方面提供理论指导。

    The rational use of niche theory could provide theoretic guidance in establishing effective IPM strategy and approaching population formation mechanism of alien invasive pests .

  26. 作为一种外来入侵物种,该病发现之日起就对中国的松林生态系统造成了巨大的破坏和冲击。

    As an invasive alien species , this disease caused great destruction and impact to pine forest ecosystems since it had been found in China .

  27. 这是将已有理论应用到具体实际问题中的一种尝试,有助于外来入侵物种种属的鉴定,对于物种进化和分类也有所帮助。

    It is an attempt for applying theory to practice . It will be helpful to alien invasive plants ' species identification , species evolution and classification .

  28. 外来入侵物种的快速准确鉴定是科学研究及其管理的基础。

    The rapid and accurate identification of the species has been the basis of the scientific research and management of the alien invasive species ( IAS ) .

  29. 对外来入侵物种如何进行法律防控,是当今环境法学理论研究的热点问题之一。

    Therefore , How to make the legal regulations for the invasion of alien species becomes one of the hot issues in the theoretical study of Environmental Law .

  30. 如全球外来入侵物种项目,是由联合国环境署和世界公约监控中心、全球生物多样性研究者网络、国际应用生物科学中心共同参与的。

    These include the Global Invasive Species Programme ; the UNEP / World Conservation Monitoring Centre ; Diversitas , a global network of biodiversity researchers ; and CAB International .