
  • 网络Alien;Alien Planet;alien life;Extraterrestrials
  1. 真的需要提防这些玩MMORPG的青少年们。他们甚至比那些宇宙飞船四周能让你在黑暗中送命的外星生物还要危险。

    Yes , beware the MMORPG playing teen , for they are more dangerous than alien life forms creeping about your space ship and killing you in the dark .

  2. Delord先生说,一个当地人当年因调查UFO蹊跷死亡,人们已经在过去的十年中陆续来到村里调查和寻找外星生物。

    Mr Delord said people had been coming to the village for the past 10 years or so in search of alien life following a post in an UFO review by a local man , who has since died .

  3. 心理学家称,那些相信自己与所谓的“外星生物”有过亲密接触的人可能患有虚假记忆或睡眠麻痹。

    Those who believe they have had a close encounter of the so-called ' fourth kind ' may suffer from false memories or sleep paralysis2 , a psychologist has claimed .

  4. 我相信外星生物正在试图和我们取得联系。

    I believe that intelligent life is trying to contact us .

  5. 可能希望和外星生物某种近距离的接触。

    Hoping for some sort of close encounter , probably .

  6. 孤军作战,你能否抵挡外星生物的袭击。

    Alone in the fight , can you resist extraterrestrial biological attacks .

  7. 我们找到了一块外星生物身上的组织。

    We found an actual piece of an alien life-form .

  8. 我说的是真正的外星生物,来自外太空的生物。

    True aliens , stocks that arrived from outer space .

  9. 你发现的这只腹部还有部分外星生物残骸的短吻鳄。

    This alligator you found with the partially digested alien in its belly .

  10. 这个项目的目的是证明外星生物的存在。

    The purpose of the project is to verify the existence of alien life .

  11. 在部分文件中还附有所谓的外星生物的三张照片。

    Included with some of the documents were three pictures of the alleged extraterrestrials .

  12. 我本身没有看过外星生物。

    I myself have never seen an alien .

  13. 佩特的名气更加助长了埃及时代存在外星生物的谣传。

    His reputation has fueled the rumors of extraterrestrial life in Egypt even more .

  14. 周围都是未知外星生物

    I am surrounded by unknown creatures .

  15. 妈,我是在和高级的外星生物交流。

    Mom , I 'm on the verge of contact with an advanced alien civilization .

  16. 美国电影和动漫中喜欢展示拥有超能力的外星生物。

    The techy Americans are fond of movies and comics displaying alien creatures withabnormal powers .

  17. 流星释放出的邪恶外星生物游荡在小岛上找寻食物。

    The meteor has unleashed vicious alien creatures who roam the island in search of prey .

  18. 像外星生物一样思考。

    Thinking like an alien creature .

  19. 我们容易把大脑看成一个恰巧在脑壳中的一个外星生物。

    We tend to view the brain like an alien that happens to reside in the skull .

  20. 对于任何入侵地球的外星生物,大多数笔记本电脑的功能都强大得足以制服它的通讯系统。

    Most laptop computers are powerful enough to over-ride the communication system of any invading alien society .

  21. 寻找外星生物

    The search for alien life

  22. 如果他们持续地监视下去,这些假想中的外星生物将会在今后的一百年当中看到些什么呢?

    If they continued their vigil , what might these hypothetical aliens witness in the next hundred years ?

  23. 研究者现在正在寻找其他方式与外星生物交流,比如短暂的光脉冲。

    Researchers are also now looking for other forms of alien communication , such as brief pulses of light .

  24. 鉴于宇宙如此之大,存在外星生物完全是有可能的。

    Considering the size of the universe , I don 't think it 's unreasonable to believe that extraterrestrial life exists .

  25. .调查揭示失踪的人被外星生物俘获了,而它们来自一个濒临死亡的行星。

    An investigation reveals that the men are being captured by beings from a dying planet who hope to save themselves .

  26. 昨天晚上新闻中有一名男子认为外星生物曾拜访过我们。

    There was a man on the news last night who reckons we 've been visited by beings from other worlds .

  27. 超人毕竟还是外星生物,他只是个拥有人类外表的入侵者。

    Superman is , after all , an alien life form . He 's simply the acceptable face of invading realities .

  28. 这些坑洞(包括其他逐渐被发现的洞口)并不是外星生物先进的武器造成的。

    The craters ( plural , as many others are being discovered ) were not the result of advanced alien weaponry .

  29. 预计该望远镜将于2015年开始完全运行,它能够扫描数十万颗恒星,并探测外星生物的讯号。

    By2015 , the array should be able to scan hundreds of thousands of stars for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence , Shostak said .

  30. 很快,其他一些公司也开始生产电子宠物,外形有小猫、小狗,以及其他更为常见的一些生物,来代替看起来酷似外星生物的电子鸡了。

    Soon other companies started to make their own virtualpets that featured cats , dogs , and other more common creatures thanthe alien-like tamagotchi .