
wài huán jìnɡ
  • external environment
  1. 大量研究证明外环境pH值对发样元素沾污和洗脱有重要影响,但人发本身pH值有何种影响迄今尚不清楚。

    Some papers reported that the pH of external environment had great influence on the adsorption and elution of the elements on human hair .

  2. 第一部分主要介绍了GH国有商业银行成都市分行的情况,并从分行信贷业务的内、外环境分析指出控制信贷风险的必要性和重要性。

    In the first chapter a general situation of the bank is introduced , and by analyzing the internal and external environment of the credits business , the essentiality and importance of credits risk control is introduced .

  3. 目的:了解幽门螺杆菌(Hp)在外环境的存活力,以及其流行病学意义。

    To investigate survival ability of Helicobacter Pylori ( HP ) in the environment and its epidemiological implications .

  4. αB晶状体蛋白在许多器官、组织、细胞均有结构性表达,在抵御内、外环境应激发挥重要作用。

    Alpha B is constitutively expressed in many organs , tissues , and cells . It holds some functions of resisting environment stress in vivo and in vitro .

  5. 第四部分为分析国内外环境ADR制度的现状,找出我国在这方面的缺陷。

    4th part analyse the present situation of domestic and international environmental ADR system and finds out the defection of our country in this respect .

  6. 但随着国内外环境的改善和一些制约因素的逐渐消除,尤其中国加入WTO后,外资并购活动已春潮涌动。

    However , with the domestic and international environment improving and some restricting factors gradually eliminating , particularly since China joining WTO , foreign investment M A ( FIM A ) has been surging like spring tides .

  7. 语境可分为三大类,即语言环境(linguisticcontext)、副语言环境(paralinguisticcontext)和语言外环境(extralinguisticcontext)。副语言交际与文化教学

    Context can be divided into three categories : linguistic context , paralinguistic context and extralinguistic context , which are closely related with each other . Non-verbal communication and culture teaching

  8. 运用SWOT矩阵分析法、PEST分析法、财务比率分析法和纵向、横向百分比法对长安汽车生存、发展的内、外环境进行了详细分析;

    Analyze the circumstance inside and outside of chang-an car by SWOT analytical method , PEST analytical method , finance ratio analytical method , the portrait percent method and landscape orientation method ;

  9. 该移动传感器本体采用履带式动力机构实现自身的运动行为,使用嵌入式技术构架双层硬件体系结构,运用电子罗盘、加速度、GPS、光电编码器等多种传感器实现室内外环境的定位。

    The mobile sensor body adopts the tracked movement mechanism for the implementation of the action , utilizes two-layer hardware architecture with embedded system technology , and uses varied sensors for the implementation of the localization in indoor and outdoor environment .

  10. 8个医疗单位外环境及医疗器械采集混合样本187份,乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性率4.48%,且阳性率随着被血液污染程度的增加而上升。

    Of 187 mixed samples taken at random from surfaces of medical instruments in eight hospitals , 24 ( 4.48 % ) were positive for HBsAg . The positive rate rose with increased intensity of blood contamination .

  11. 企业竞争的日趋白热化,国内外环境的不断变化,使得TMT产业的发展具有跨行业并购和跨国并购的特点。

    Business competition becomes more intense , ever-changing domestic and international environments , making the TMT industry with cross-industry mergers and acquisitions and cross-border M & A feature .

  12. 皮肤位于机体外环境和内环境的界面上,是机体重要的屏障保护器官,其表皮绝大部分由角质形成细胞(KC)组成。

    Skin lies in the interface between inner condition and outer environment of body is an important protective organ as a barrier and the epidermis is mostly made of keratinocytes .

  13. 方法在模拟体内、外环境的条件下,观察C-CPC-C药物的释放情况。

    Methods The release of cefobid from the compound were observed in simulated conditions .

  14. 不同来源的大肠杆菌O157∶H7耐药性、质粒和PFGE谱型有一定的相似性,提示菌株可能在人、动物、食品以及外环境之间相互传播并存在流行的可能。

    There were some familiarity with drug resistance , plasmid profile and PFGE types of 67 Escherichia coli O157 ∶ H7 strains isolated from different sources , which indicated homology of the strains .

  15. 中国是制造大国,又该如何应对这种外环境的变化,保持自身的发展呢?实施ERP的企业可能在内部生产链管理上较为先进,但是对于生产的大规模调度却不能那么得心应手。

    China is a manufacturing powerful country , and how to deal with this outside environment in order to maintain its own development . The implementation of Manufacturing Enterprise ERP may be the way about the optimizing production chain . But the scheduling for large-scale production could not be easy .

  16. 目的调查大肠埃希菌O157∶H7感染性腹泻的分布特征、临床特点及家畜、家禽的带菌状况和外环境污染程度。

    Objective To study the distributional feature and clinical characteristics of infectious diarrhea caused by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 ∶ H7 , and to understand its pollution to the environment and the carrier status among livestock and poultry .

  17. 通过采用SWOT分析惠民县商业银行在银行营销方面存在的优势和劣势,找出其面临的国内外环境中的机遇和威胁。

    This paper uses the SWOT analysis method to make sufficient analysis on commercial banks ' strengths and weaknesses in marketing field of Huimin county , and on the opportunities and threatens under the internal and external environment that the commercial banks in Huimin county are faced on .

  18. 结果表明,220kV/110kV四回路杆塔形式对周边楼房室内外环境影响较大,当两者相距60m以外时,楼房室内外工频电磁场环境将有较大改善;

    Result indicate 220 kV / 110 kV four return circuit pole tower forms exert a great influence on internal and external environment of room of peripheral building , when in the two beyond 60m apart , building room internal and external power-frequency electric magnetic field environment have heavy improvement ;

  19. 创新素质的内环境与外环境建设

    The Constructing of the Innovation Diathesis 's Inside and Outside Circumstance

  20. 城市住区外环境人性化设计研究

    The Outdoor Environment of the City Residential District Humanized Design Research

  21. 原油储罐在运行过程中,经常遭受内、外环境介质的腐蚀。

    Oil tanks are often exposed to corrosive medium while operating .

  22. 外环境标本中检索致病性大肠菌方法的研究

    Study on the Method to Isolate EPEC in the Environmental Samples

  23. 论幼教建筑室内外环境设计要点

    Discussion on design points of indoor & outdoor environment for pre-school building

  24. 景石在室内外环境设计中的应用

    Application of Scene Stone to Indoor and Outdoor Environment Design

  25. 吉林省水碘参数推算外环境碘的数学模型电子计算机分析

    Mathematics models of computer analysis for calculation of environmental iodine

  26. 外环境株以O9、O(20)型较多。

    O_9 , O_ ( 20 ) were most common in enviroment-strains .

  27. 北方小康住宅外环境气候设计对策

    Climatic Design Countermeasures of External Environment of Affordable Housing in North Region

  28. 高层住宅健康外环境规划设计研究

    A Study on the Planning Design of Healthy Environment in High-rise Residence

  29. 内、外环境元素平衡是协调人与自然关系解决元素与健康问题的一个重要环节

    Elemental Balancing in Internal and External Milieu and Human Health

  30. “十二五”时期经济社会发展的国内外环境。

    " 1025 " period of social and economic development and environment .