
  • 网络exocytosis
  1. 两种产物都由外排作用释放出来。

    Both products are released by exocytosis .

  2. Caco-2细胞转运实验证明了五酯胶囊可通过抑制P-gp对他克莫司的外排作用而使他克莫司口服生物利用度增加。

    The transport of tacrolimus using Caco-2 cell monolayers demonstrated that its bioavailability was enhanced when Wuzhi capsule inhibited the P-gp efflux pump . 5 .

  3. P-糖蛋白药物外排作用的研究进展

    Research development on the drug efflux function of P-glycoprotein

  4. 药物制剂技术在抑制P-糖蛋白外排作用中的应用研究近况

    Application of Pharmaceutical Technique to Inhibiting P-glycoprotein-mediated Drug-efflux

  5. 结论主动外排作用是鲍曼不动杆菌多重耐药的重要机制之一。

    Conclusion The multi-resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii was related to the effect of efflux system .

  6. 结果显示,五味子醇乙、五味子甲素、五味子酯甲及五酯胶囊溶液可明显抑制他克莫司的吸收外排作用,且五味子甲素的这种抑制作用最强。

    The results showed that schisandrol B , deoxyschizandrin , schisantherin A and Wuzhi capsule solution can obviously inhibit uptake and efflux function of tacrolimus , especially deoxyschizandrin most .

  7. 另外,风湿软胶囊样品中姜黄素可能不是P-糖蛋白的底物,P-糖蛋白的外排作用不影响样品中姜黄素的生物利用度。

    In addition , curcumin in the Feng Shi soft capsule may be not the substrate of p-gp , and the bioavailability of curcumin may be not affected by the excretion of P-gp .

  8. 方法菌体内药物蓄积量和主动外排的作用采用荧光测定法;

    Methods Fluoroquinolone accumulation in bacteria and the effect of active efflux were measured by a fluorescence method .

  9. P-糖蛋白通过跨膜外排泵作用阻止抗癫痫药物由血脑屏障入脑发挥期望效应是耐药性癫痫产生的重要原因。

    P-glycoprotein exists mainly on blood-brain barrier , and resulted in drug resistant epilepsy by pumping antiepileptic drugs out of blood-brain barrier .

  10. 它们在细胞膜上起着外排泵的作用,能将细胞内的有毒物质(包括药物)转运出细胞;

    It works as a excrete pump in cell membrane .

  11. 细菌对消毒剂的抗性机制主要包括:细胞膜通透性改变、生物膜形成、主动外排系统、作用靶点改变等。

    The mechanisms of bacterial resistance to disinfectants include cellular impermeability , biofilm formation , efflux and mutation ( s ) at the target sites .

  12. CBZ是PGP外排药物泵的作用底物,其在大鼠脑ECF中的浓度受到PGP的调节。

    CBZ is a substrate of PGP and the extracellular brain concentration of CBZ can be regulated by P-glycoprotein ( PGP ) .