
  • 网络foreign exchange speculation;Exchange Speculation
  1. 但真正的元凶是那些管理人士在没有完全了解风险的情况下就签署了投资协议,或许更糟的是,他们将此视为某种外汇投机活动。

    But the fault lies with executives who signed off on investments without understanding the risks or , worse , because they felt like a bit of currency speculation .

  2. 高涨的油价使得海湾各国的国有和私人投资者能将上百亿美元资金投入房地产市场、基础设施项目,不久前更是投入了外汇投机交易。

    High oil prices have allowed state and private investors across the Gulf to funnel billions of dollars into property markets , infrastructure projects and , more recently , foreign-exchange speculation .

  3. 如果说外汇投机为他挣了钱,那是因为他高抛低吸。

    If they make money for him , it is because he bought low and sold high .

  4. 互联网技术的飞速发展,加上该行业独特的杠杆效应,越来越多的个人投资者怀着投机的目的参与外汇投机交易。

    With the advances in internet technology , plus the industry 's unique leveraging options , more and more individual traders are getting involved in the market for the purposes of speculation .

  5. 银行外汇贷款数据显示,一些公司借款者可能也一直在进行外汇投机。

    Bank foreign exchange lending numbers suggest some corporate borrowers may also have been conducting currency speculation .