
  • 网络outgroup;out-group;others-group out-group
  1. 测定了湍蛙属6个种共10个种群,以及4个外群种的线粒体12S和16SRRNA基因片段,比对后有940bp序列,发现352个变异位点、186个简约性位点。

    Mitochondrial gene fragments of 12S and 16S rRNA of six species including 10 populations ( Amolops ), and 4 outgroup species were sequenced . Aligned sequences showed that there were 940 bp in length with 352 variable sites and 186 parsimony sites .

  2. 结果就取决于我们采用哪个外群了。

    The result will then depend on which outgroup we rely on .

  3. 弱内自可靠群或〔IA〕群是一类重要的局部紧致拓扑群,是包含可靠群(当然也包含交换群,紧致群)在内的一大类拓外群。

    The weakly inner amenable groups or ( IA ) groups form a very important class of locally compact groups which contains amenable groups ( including abelian groups and compact groups ) .

  4. 利用AFLP技术和统计学分析原理,对我国具有代表性的10个不同地区野桑蚕和33个家蚕品种以及5个作为外群对照的柞蚕品种进行了分子系统学研究。

    Based on 5 strains of tussah ( Antheraea pernyi ) as the outgroups , the molecular systematic studies of Chinese mulberry wild silkworm from 10 regions in China and 33 strains of domestic silkworm were performed by AFLP technique and statistical method in the paper .

  5. 家蚕分子系统学研究之中外群的作用与影响

    Effect of outgroups on the study of molecular systematics

  6. 首先,收集了国内外群桩的现场试验资料,采用双曲线来拟合桩基础的荷载&位移曲线。

    The load-settlement curves of single pile and pile groups are fitted with hyperbolic curve .

  7. 分支系统学的外群分析方法中外群性状状态确定的探讨

    A discussion about the determination of character states of outgroups in outgroup analysis in cladistics

  8. 选取一种碘泡虫为外群,采自大足县。

    Was from Dazu County .

  9. 如果外群性状状态是祖源的,必须发生最少的进化事件。

    If the character state in the outgroup is ancestral , the fewest evolutionary events are required .

  10. 另外与三个外群进行的地区间差异性比较发现,不同地区间的样品出现了较大的遗传分化。

    And the result of diversity comparison with three other population shows there are significant genetic differentiation in different areas . 6 .

  11. 脑干动脉可分成前内群、前外群、外侧群和后群。

    The arteries of the brain stem can be divided into four groups : the anteromedial , anterolateral , lateral and posterior arteries .

  12. 此外,外群的选择、构建系统发生树时所选择的软件和做树方法都将影响到系统发生关系的判断。

    Choice of outgroup , tree-making methods , and software may affect the phylogenetic prediction , which may have caused much debate over the subject .

  13. 以往的研究一致认为这种积极评价是与外群比较的结果,并将这种现象命名为内群偏爱。

    Past researches agreed that this kind of positive regard should be the outcome of a comparison with a contextually relevant out-group , which was called in-group favoritism .

  14. Bn型仿射外尔群元素的一种表示式

    An Expression of the Element in the Affine Weyl Group of Type _n

  15. 设W是仿射外尔群。H是对应的汉克代数。

    Let W be an affine Weyl group and let H be the corresponding Hecke algebra .

  16. 国内外产业群形成与发展比较研究

    Comparative Study on Formation and Development of Domestic and Foreign Industrial Clusters

  17. 人才是国内外城市群崛起和发展的最重要的因素。

    Talented people play the most important role in the rise and development of urban agglomeration at home and abroad .

  18. 本文的主要工作如下:1.简略概括了国内外关于群桩工作性状的研究成果。

    This article was brief summarized research results about work character of the pile group domestic and foreign . 2 .

  19. 三是比较国内外城市群一体化机制发展模式,分析发展的规律和特征。

    Thirdly , compare different urban agglomerations integration development model both at home and abroad , then summarize its regularity and characteristics .

  20. 文章通过对城市群发展一般规律分析及国内外城市群发展现状的研究,指出中原城市群建设与一体化发展是符合城市化的基本规律和河南区域发展实际,具有历史和客观的必然性。

    Based on the analysis of development pattern on urban agglomeration both domestic and abroad , the author points out that the integration development of central Henan urban agglomeration is according with the law of urbanization and the reality of Henan province .

  21. 从承受水平荷载群桩的影响因素及研究方法等方面综合论述了国内外对群桩性能的研究进展情况,指出了目前研究中存在的不足和有待进一步改进的方面。

    From the of aspects influence factors and research methods of from pile group suffering from lateral loads , this paper offers an comprehensive description of group pile research at home and abroad . It also presents some existing problems for further improvement .

  22. 第一章绪论部分主要分析了论文研究背景和研究意义,介绍了国内外城市群空间结构的研究现状,并阐述了研究内容和关键问题等。

    The first chapter is an introduction , As the opening badge , the first chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of selecting the topic , introduces the current domestic and international spatial structure of urban agglomeration , and reviewed research content and key issues .

  23. 他们在冰封世界上建起一座大木屋。屋子里堆满了食品、滑雪板以及雪橇。他们将这木屋称作弗雷门海姆。木屋外,群狗住在雪下挖出的狗洞里。当木屋准备就绪时,他们开始了首次南行征途。

    They put a big wooden house on the ice.The house was full of food , and skis , and sledges.They called it Framheim.Out-side the house , the dogs lived in holes under the snow.When the house was ready , the men made their first journey south .

  24. 华东地区植被概况江苏岸外沙脊群的地貌形态及动力格局

    Geomorphology responses on dynamics pattern of Jiangsu Offshore sandbanks , eastern China

  25. 国内外产业聚群理论研究进展综述

    A Summary of the Research on Industrial Cluster Theory at Home and Abroad

  26. 域上辛群的外直积群及其性质

    Direct product group of symplectic group over field and it 's some characteristics

  27. 半直积的外自同构群

    Outer Automorphism Groups of Semidirect Products

  28. 其次,对国内外典型港口群发展现状及趋势进行分析。

    Then , the essay will analyze the current situation and trend of the development of typical port groups home and abroad .

  29. 对国内外数据流离群数据挖掘研究情况分析可知,以往的挖掘算法还存在诸多问题。

    By analyzing data streams outliers mining situation of foreign and domain , we found that there exist many problems in the previous algorithms for detecting outliers .

  30. 近些年,国内外关于粒子群算法的研究主要集中在算法性能的改进以及算法在动态优化、数据挖掘等领域中的应用。

    Recently , the study of PSO focuses on the performance improvement and its application in dynamic optimization and data mining , etc. The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows : 1 .