
wài tāi
  • tire (cover);cover;cover tyre;carcass;tyre casing;outer cover
外胎 [wài tāi]
  • (1) [tire (cover)]∶橡胶和纤维做的充气轮胎的外壳

  • (2) [carcass]∶充了气的或可充气的球的外层球胎

外胎[wài tāi]
  1. 清整修补处以防与外胎粘连。

    Dust the repair to prevent adhesion to outer cover .

  2. 不同防腐剂对大豆胶粘剂防腐性能的影响清整修补处以防与外胎粘连。

    Influence of different preservative on antiseptic property of soy-based adhesives Dust the repair to prevent adhesion to outer cover .

  3. 我们设法用卸外胎用的撬棍撬开了盖子。

    We managed to prise off the lid with a tyre lever .

  4. 父亲给我的自行车安上了新的外胎。

    Father fitted a new tyre on my bike .

  5. 本文讨论了BITBUS集散型系统的组成方式,并用它研制了橡胶厂外胎硫化车间集散控制系统。

    This paper describes the composition of BITBUS centralized and decentralized control system . The BITBUS system of vulcanizing shop has be made after it .

  6. 共培养72h(扩展高峰期)和144h(扩展面积峰值),肿瘤细胞组的外胎盘锥滋养层细胞扩展面积均显著大于正常细胞组(P<0.05)。

    At 72h and 144h of co-culture , there was larger outgrowth area of trophoblast cells in cancer cells co-culture d group than in normal cells co-culture d group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 自行车外胎硫化机控制系统的研制

    Development about Control System of curing Machine for Bicycle Casing Tires

  8. 外胎立体仓库微机管理和控制系统的设计

    The Design of the Microprocessor Control System in Automatic Storehouse

  9. 轮胎外胎外温变温硫化研究

    Study on tire curing at non - isothermal outer temperature

  10. 外胎硫化胶囊的设计制造和使用

    Design , Manufacture and Use of Tire Curing Bladder

  11. 基于神经网络的轮胎外胎硫化内部温度预测

    Temperature Prediction of Rubber Vulcanization Based on Neural Network

  12. 胰腺癌与男性外胎硫化和女性成型工种有关;

    Pancreas cancer with tire curing in male and with tire shaping in female ;

  13. 一种装在轮胎外胎里的可膨状的橡皮管。

    An inflatable rubber tube that fits inside the casing of a pneumatic tire .

  14. 不幸的是,外胎和轮圈的发展使这种测量方法越发与实际脱离。

    Unfortunately , evolution of tires and rims has made these measurements lose contact with reality .

  15. 结果:小鼠外胎盘锥滋养层细胞可以在恶性肿瘤细胞上呈侵袭性扩展生长。

    At the periphery of mouse ectoplacental cones , trophoblast cells were seen growing toward cancer cells .

  16. 小鼠外胎盘锥周围的恶性肿瘤细胞有生长方向的改变,呈隆起的圆形或椭圆形状,重叠式生长,堆积、环绕在新生滋养层细胞周围。

    Cancer cells surrounding trophoblast cells altered the patterning of growth direction and appeared round or oval .

  17. 其构件中,外胎是现有相应尺寸轮径的外胎;

    Among the elements , the outer tire is an existing outer tire with corresponding size wheel diameter ;

  18. 产品:内、外胎冷补胶片;冷补胶条;补胎工具;车轮平衡块等产品。

    Product : Tyre cold patch ; cold bar glue ; Tire repair tools ; Wheel balance weight etc. product .

  19. 利用微机对飞机外胎重力式立体仓库进行管理和控制,使仓库在控制和管理上实现了自动化。

    Microcomputer is used to manage and control the gravity cubical warehouse for storing plane tyres to realize automatic management and control .

  20. 另外,轮胎磨损后,可在外胎上热补新的胎面,使外胎翻旧如新。

    In addition , when treads have worn down , new treads can be vulcanized onto the casing provided the casing is in good condition .

  21. 运用现场调查法、实践总结法和文献资料法对废旧汽车外胎在中学体育教学中的应用进行研究。

    The paper made study on the application of used car tire to PE teaching in the middle school using on-site investigation , practice summarization , documentation methods .

  22. 青岛帅旗国际贸易有限公司,生产各种型号的摩托车内胎和外胎,质量好,价格低,希望国外客商长期合作。

    Shuaiqi Qingdao International Trade Co. , Ltd. , production of various types of motorcycles and tubeless tire , good quality , low price and foreign businessmen hope that the long-term cooperation .

  23. 本文介绍了外胎硫化胶囊外形尺寸设计,表面排气花纹设计,胶料配方设计,加工制造和使用的国外和国内情况。

    The external dimensional design , face venting pattern design , compound formulation design of tire curing bladder as well as the manufacture & use of bladders both at home and abroad are presented .

  24. 一系列研究表明,采用按该方法获得的前轮双摇杆转向机构,可使低速型汽车车轮轴承寿命延长,车轮外胎总磨损量减小。

    It bas been proved by a series of research that using the double-rocker linkage steering obtained by the method of this article for the low-speed automobiles may prolong the service life of the wheel bearings and reduce the wear of the tyres .

  25. 结果表明,纤粘连蛋白在小鼠胚胎发育和着床过程中起着重要作用,这种作用是通过纤粘连蛋白分子活性位点对胚泡或外胎盘锥细胞上纤粘连蛋白受体的识别和结合实现的。

    These data suggest that FN plays a very important role in mouse embryo development and implantation and that this role is achieved by the recognition and binding between the FN active sites and FN receptors on the cell surface of embryo and ectoplacental cones .