
  • 网络dover;Dover, DE
  1. 他们用无线电和多佛海岸警卫队联络。

    They radioed Dover Coastguard .

  2. 用带子把滑水板绑在船顶后,我们就在多佛登上了气垫船。

    Strapping the skis on the roof , we boarded the hovercraft in Dover

  3. 例如,当你决定在多佛街上最高端的零售店维多利亚·贝克汉姆(VictoriaBeckham)付款时,你不会去任何收银台。

    At the most cutting-edge retail stores — Victoria Beckham on Dover Street , for instance — you don 't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay .

  4. 其中一名接受奖学金的威斯多佛毕业生成为了纽约南布朗克斯区(SouthBronx)的一名教师。

    One Westover graduate and scholarship recipient went on to become a teacher in the South Bronx .

  5. 这里是NPR新闻,来自多佛的金·多琳报道。

    From NPR news , I am Gims Doreen , in Dover .

  6. 当地人略带挖苦地推测她成功的原因,大概是家乡肯特郡Deal小镇的海滨气息,弗洛伦斯就读于当地的多佛文法学校;或者是这家“中央街道炸鱼吧”的薯条里某种神秘的配料。

    Locals wrylysuggested it was the sea air in the Dover Grammar schoolgirl 's home town of Deal , Kent , which contributed to her success , or possibly a secret ingredient in Middle Street Fish Bar 's chips .

  7. 当地人略带挖苦地推测她成功的原因,大概是家乡肯特郡Deal小镇的海滨气息,弗洛伦斯就读于当地的多佛文法学校;或者是这家中央街道炸鱼吧的薯条里某种神秘的配料。

    Locals wryly suggested it was the sea air in the Dover Grammar schoolgirl 's home town of Deal , Kent , which contributed to her success , or possibly a secret ingredient in Middle Street Fish Bar 's chips .

  8. 与越战期间不同,美国国防部(pentagon)不允许对抵达美国多佛空军基地(doverairforcebase)的棺材进行拍摄,总统不参加军事葬礼,电视台也很少播放美国阵亡士兵的画面。

    Unlike during Vietnam , the Pentagon does not permit photographs of coffins arriving at Dover Air Force base , the president avoids attending military funerals and the television networks seldom show dead US soldiers .

  9. 许多女人都自由自在地接受了性别混淆的时装概念,在奥丁(Odin)、卡德特(Cadet)和多佛街市场(DoverStreetMarket)购买小号的男装。

    Many women freely embrace the notion of gender fluidity , buying men 's wear in small sizes at stores like Odin , Cadet and Dover Street Market .

  10. Lynn之前曾表示担心,认为Hicinbottom太过年幼难以领会《多佛白崖》的情感。

    Lynn had previously expressed fears that Hickinbottom was " far too young " to grasp the emotion of ' White Cliffs Of Dover ' .

  11. 1785年1月7日,法国气球飞行家Jean-PierreBlanchard和美国医生JohnJeffries从多佛堡乘氢气球出发。

    French balloonist Jean-Pierre Blanchard and American doctor John Jeffries took off from Dover Castle in a hydrogen balloon on January 7th , 1785 .

  12. 与自动柜员机位于同一院子的是ITBeijingMarket时尚店,这是一家多层潮店,风格完全比照伦敦市中心CommedesGarcons的多佛街市场(DoverStreetMarket)概念店。

    In the same courtyard as the cash machine sits the IT Beijing Market , a multi-storey style-fest proudly modelled on Comme des Gar ? ons " Dover Street Market concept store in central London .

  13. 今年12月,CommedesGarçons计划在纽约开设自己的多佛街市场(DoverStreetMarket)时尚旗舰分店,它目前正在招募新锐设计师。

    This December , the brand plans to open one of its Dover Street Market alternative fashion mega ­ stores in New York , and it is in the market for new talent .

  14. Peverell’sTower城堡:由亨利三世(HenryIII)于13世纪在多佛城堡空地上兴建而成,它是另外一道防线,曾经作为监狱使用。

    Peverell 's Tower was built on the grounds of Dover Castle in Kent by Henry III in the 13th century as an extra line of defence , and at one time it was used as a prison .

  15. 他在多佛上空从一架飞机上跳出,最后于14分钟后降落在法国的Blanc-Nez海角。

    He jumped out of a plane over Dover and landed in Cap Blanc-Nez , France 14 minutes later .

  16. 横渡多佛海峡需要7个小时左右。

    It takes about seven hours across the Strait of Dover .

  17. 我们在多佛城外几英里的地方停下来吃了一顿饭。

    We stopped for a meal a few miles outside denver .

  18. 我知道她住在肯特郡的多佛镇附近。

    I knew she lived somewhere near Dover , in Kent .

  19. 皇家空军中校加西,这是刚从多佛来的消息。

    Wing Commander gutsy , this just came from near dover .

  20. 我们就在多佛的白岩壁上空了。

    And we 'll be over the white cliffs of dover .

  21. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。

    The port of Dover is england 's gateway to europe .

  22. 多佛海峡位于英法之间。

    The Straits of Dover lie between France and england .

  23. 我失去了我所有的东西,而且也没有了去多佛的路费。

    I did not travel . I will think of a way .

  24. 二:多佛工具公司将如何派送订单?

    Two : How will Dover Tools dispatch the order ?

  25. 我们搭上一辆公共汽车,向多佛驶去。

    We got on a bus and headed for Dover .

  26. 我们经多佛和加来而到巴黎。

    We travelled to Paris by Dover and Calais .

  27. 今年我们经过多佛从巴黎回来。

    We returned from France by Dover this year .

  28. 多佛海峡风浪可能很大。

    The Straits of Dover can be very rough .

  29. 但是多佛港口的海关官员却声称此车被用来走私。

    But customs officers at Dover claimed it was being used for smuggling .

  30. 沿着多佛的白色悬崖

    As I travel along The White Cliffs of Dover