
  • 网络Diversified investment;diversification;investment diversification
  1. 举例而言,投资于中国企业的首次发行进行(如中投购买中铁集团(ChinaRailwayGroup)价值1亿美元的股票)就很难算是多元化投资。

    For example , investing in the initial offer of Chinese companies as CIC did with its purchase of $ 100m shares of China Railway Group is hardly diversification .

  2. 公司为什么进行多元化投资是众多研究者关心的重要问题。

    Company why diversification is a major concern of many researchers .

  3. 中投公司(CIC)是一个进行多元化投资的长线财务投资机构。

    China Investment Corp oration is a long-term financial investor with a diversified portfolio .

  4. 官方想进一步多元化投资到实物资产,包括企业。

    Officials want to diversify further into real assets , including companies .

  5. 多元化投资与制造业上市公司绩效的相关分析

    A correlation analysis of diversified investment and performance of manufacturing listed companies

  6. 培育国有公司多元化投资主体之我见

    My Opinions of Cultivating State-owned Company 's Main Diversity Investment

  7. 不是,是股票及债券的多元化投资组合。

    No , it means a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds .

  8. 我国企业多元化投资决策的反思

    Reflections upon Multiple Investment Decisions of Enterprises of China

  9. 养老基金多元化投资的风险与防范

    Measuring and Managing Separate Investment Risk of Pension Funds

  10. 浅析高等教育多元化投资渠道

    Analysis on Multi-channel of Investment for Higher Education

  11. 企业多元化投资政策选择的实证研究&基于投资机会集设定的视角

    Empirical Research on Investment Policy Selection & Based the Perspective of Diversification under IOS

  12. 主要是非相关多元化投资对创始家族企业的绩效造成了负面的影响。

    It is unrelated diversification that causes the negative influence in founding family firms .

  13. 开辟多元化投资渠道,为我国经济繁荣服务。

    Develop channels of diversified investment , and serve the economic prosperity in China .

  14. 公司融资约束能显著抑制公司多元化投资行为,尤其表现在民营企业中。

    Furthermore , corporate financing constraints significantly inhibit diversification , especially in privately-owned companies .

  15. 人们重新强调多元化投资。

    There is renewed emphasis on diversification .

  16. 第四部分为基于风险最小化的养老基金组合投资策略分析,和对整体风险的控制与管理,包括多元化投资风险管理机制的构建和配套制度的建设。关键词:养老基金;

    The fourth part analyses the method of management of fabricate risks and whole risk .

  17. (三)建立多元化投资体制;

    Establishing a all-round investment system ;

  18. 那些薪酬高于行业平均水平的公司经理可以得到较多的补偿,从而更有效地推动多元化投资。

    When compensation is higher than industry average level , executives have more motivation to diversify .

  19. 现有研究对于特定控制权下不同类型的多元化投资行为关注较少。

    Existed researches concerns little about different types of diversification of firms with certain control type .

  20. 建立多元化投资体系。

    Establish multi investment system .

  21. 上市传媒多元化投资及其风险的规避

    The Mass Media 's Diversified Investment after Coming into the Market and Corresponding Evasion of the Risk

  22. 多元化投资导致不同行业及金融市场间的交互影响越来越大。

    Diversification of investment has lead to more interaction in different sectors and between financial markets increasingly .

  23. 在此基础上,分别分析了主要投资工具面临的风险和投资组合即多元化投资面临的整体风险。

    Then the paper analyses the main risks in the main investment tools and the fabricate risks .

  24. 因为存在一些可疑账目,使得用多元化投资组合的基金有很多不能得到合适的资金保障。

    Thanks to some dubious accounting , a large number of such schemes have not been funded properly .

  25. 再次,要拓宽养老保险基金投资渠道,采取多元化投资组合运营方式。

    Third , we shall broaden channels of the insurance fund investment , adopt multiple patterns of portfolio .

  26. 通过对多元化投资类型的细分来研究不同类型的多元化投资对企业绩效的影响。

    Second , this paper subdivides diversification types to study how different types of diversification affect firm performance .

  27. 我国竞技网球经济投入呈现出家庭、企业和国家共同投入的多元化投资模式。

    The funding model of tennis sport is diversified by common inputting of families , businesses and state .

  28. 不管成本如何,客户在进行多元化投资,因此他们投资于不同司法辖区的多个信托。

    In spite of the costs , clients are diversifying , so they have several trusts in different jurisdictions .

  29. 因此,深入探讨多元化投资的理论和战略,对我国一些大中型企业来说,就显得十分重要。

    It is important for large and medium enterprises to research on the theory and strategy of multiple investment .

  30. 提升政府管理职能,完善政策体制环境;建立多元化投资体制,整合教育培训资源。

    Promotion government management function , perfect policy system environment ; Establishment multiplication investment system , conformity education training resources .