
duō diào xìng
  • polytonality
多调性[duō diào xìng]
  1. 此外,复调音乐也显示出不必同和声直接一致,就可以使用的新的功用,并在复调音乐自由的运用中混入了多调性的可能。

    Besides , polyphony is also shown the new function that can be used in case that is unnecessarily consistent with harmony directly and is mixed the possibility of polytonality in the free application of contrapuntal music .

  2. 文学经典通常有文化性、典范性、主题思想的多调性以及文本结构的开放性等特点。

    Literary classics are usually characteristic of cultural quality , model quality , wide variety of subject matters and the openness of text structures .

  3. 这批音乐家运用18世纪的音乐形式和七音音阶的调性,同时也从各民族民间曲调,爵士乐和多调性技巧中汲取养份。

    Using eighteenth-century musical forms and the tonality of the seven-note scale , the group also drew from ethnic folk tunes , jazz , and polytonal techniques .

  4. 例如新颖的动机语汇、复杂的节拍与节奏、调式的模糊和多调性以及丰富的和声色彩等方面。

    For example , the motives of new vocabulary , complex rhythms and rhythm , the fuzzy mode and multi-tonal harmony and rich colors and so on .