
yè wù
  • night mists
  1. 红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫(Rudolph)于二十世纪加入圣诞麋鹿队列,它的红鼻子照亮了平安夜雾蒙蒙的道路。

    Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was a 20th-century addition to the team , lighting the way on a foggy Christmas Eve .

  2. 淡水黄昏带诗意,夜雾罩四边。

    Poetical twilight of Tamsui is shrouding in the mist .

  3. 星星正隔着夜雾在那里眨眼。

    The foghorn brayed all night . The stars were shining beyond the mist .

  4. 夜雾在渐渐消散。

    The evening mists are gradually rising .

  5. 这是一个黑暗无月的夜雾。

    It 's a and moonless night .

  6. 思嘉又在躺椅里摇晃起来。黑暗的夜雾浓密而温暖。

    Scarlett resumed her rocking and the still darkness of the warm night closed about them .

  7. 他把披在她身上的外衣的扣子扣好,就钻进了雾气织成的网里,这时候,夜雾已在大树之间织成了一张张薄纱。

    Having buttoned the overcoat round her shoulders he plunged into the webs of vapour which by this time formed veils between the trees .

  8. 他们一直在河边走来走去,直到雾霭开始把他们包围起来在一年中这个时候,夜雾起得非常早它们好像一串串水晶,凝结在他们的眼睫毛上,凝结在他们的额头上和头发上。

    Upon this river-brink they lingered till the fog began to close round them - which was very early in the evening at this time of the year - settling on the lashes of her eyes , where it rested like crystals , and on his brows and hair .

  9. 从开始到结束,“夜与雾”将那些恐怖的记忆深深引入观众脑海,永远难忘记。

    From construction to destruction , Nuit et Brouillard etches horrific images onto the minds of its viewers which will seldom leave their memory .