
  • 网络ordinar filling
  1. 综采大切眼网下快速安全施工

    Fast and safe construction under net in combined cutting face

  2. 旋转编码器在桥式组合大切机上的应用

    Application of Rotary Encoder on Bridge Composite Cutting Machine

  3. 大切深车削蜗杆工艺技术应用

    Application of Large Cutting Depths Turning Worm Technology

  4. 大切深磨削温度场的理论解析

    Thermal Analysis of Deep Grinding

  5. 探讨了大切深锯切花岗石过程机理,建立了锯切载荷模型,统计分析了磨粒磨损状态及其出刃高度对锯切载荷的影响情况。

    Discuss the mechanism of the deep sawing of granites ; build model of sawing loads ; make statistic analysis of the worn pattern of the grits and the influence of protrusion height on the sawing loads . 3 .

  6. 本论文以大切深为研究对象,采用视频监测的方法在一定程度上量化识别节块表面状态,并通过特殊的修整方案分开讨论锯切参数与节块表面状态对锯切力的影响。

    In this thesis , segment working state s is identified quantitatively to some extent by a video microscope , and the effects on forces of sawing parameters and of segment working state are evaluated respectively in deep sawing .

  7. 这些结论为研究花岗石大切深锯切技术、研究节块磨损、提高节块性能、指导金刚石锯片的制造以及优化锯切参量提供了参考依据。

    Overall , the results obtained in this thesis provide a reference for researching deep cutting of granites and the wear mechanism of segments , for improving segment performance , for instructing the manufacture of diamond saw-blades and for optimizing sawing parameters .

  8. 本文以大切深锯切为研究对象,采用新的磨粒磨损状态划分方法将传统的六种金刚石磨损状态细分为十二种,通过视频采集系统跟踪观察金刚石锯片节块表面形貌变化。

    In this paper , a new method based on diamond worn states was adopted , by which method the traditional six sorts of diamond worn states were divided into twelve sorts , the changes of morphologies of diamond segments in sawing was followed by a digital video system .

  9. 通过几种换能器在铝槽和PVC槽中进行的测试与分析,证明了新研制的、用于发射的径向极化换能器可以替代价格昂贵的大直径切向极化换能器。

    Testing and analyses of acoustic transducers in aluminum tube and PVC tube have proved that the newly developed radial polarized transmitting transducer can replace the former expensive tangential polarized one .

  10. 结论烧伤后早期一次大面积切痂能显著减轻伤后心肌受损程度,其机制可能与降低伤后早期心肌mtDNA缺失率有关。

    Conclusion Early escharectomy en masse can significantly alleviate the myocardial injury after burns , which might be related to its effect in lowering the deletion rate of myocardial mtDNA at early postburn stage .

  11. 结果显示,一次性大面积切痂术前1d烧伤血清可使体外培养的内皮细胞脱落,细胞变形,细胞收缩间隙增大,胞浆出现空泡,核固缩。

    Results : After being incubated with burn serum which obtained from patient on 1d preoperation , the HUVECs were deformed showing shrinkage of the cells and formation of intercellular space , and small vacuoles appeared in cytoplasm with karyopyknosis .

  12. 深孔大直径切槽预裂爆破切槽刀具的研制

    Development of Notch Cutting Tool for Deephole Large-diameter Notch Presplitting Blasting

  13. 大面积切痂治愈特大面积烧伤合并顽固性高钠血症2例

    Treatment of severe burns complicated with hypernatremia by large area wound excision

  14. 综采大断面切眼锚带网索支护技术

    Bolt and Mesh Rope Supporting Technology of Large Cross-section Cut-off in Full-mechanized Mining

  15. 锚索支护在大断面切眼及综采撤架机道中的应用

    Application of Bolting and Rope Support in Large Section Open-off and Backward Entry

  16. 薄基岩下大断面切眼综合支护技术

    The group supporting technology in the large section notch under the base rock

  17. 大断面切眼锚索支护技术实践

    Practice of cable bolting techniques in large-section open-off cut

  18. 浅析锚杆支护在大断面切眼施工中的应用

    Comments on application of bolt support to construction of large cross section open-off cut

  19. 大断面切眼二次成巷矿压规律分析

    Analysis of rock pressure of large section open - off cut in secondary tunneling

  20. 烧伤早期大面积切痂术后肠道菌群变化的初步临床研究

    Clinical study on changes in intestinal flora in burn patients after early extensive escharectomy

  21. 大面积切痂对院外烧伤创面脓毒症疗效的影响

    The influence of a large area excision for the treatment of burn wound sepsis

  22. 大跨度切眼锚网锚索支护研究

    Research on support of large span set-up room using bolt-wire mesh and anchor cable

  23. 严重烧伤休克期大面积切痂对休克复苏的影响

    The effects of massive escharectomy on the resuscitation of burn shock in the early stage after burn

  24. 深井大断面切眼锚网(索)支护研究与应用

    A study and application of bolting-wire mesh support in open-off cut with large cross sectional area in deep mine

  25. 二次风反切对大容量切向燃烧锅炉烟气偏差影响的数值研究

    Numerical study on the effect of reverse swirl of secondary air on flue gas imbalance in Large Tangentially Fired Boiler

  26. 结论有效充分液体复苏、早期胃肠营养和早期大面积切痂微粒皮移植术能降低烧伤后并发症发生、缩短病程、提高治愈率。

    Conclusions : The new therapy can reduce the incidence of complications , shorten the course of treatment and increase the cure rate .

  27. 目的:探讨烧伤早期大面积切痂术后肠道菌群变化规律及其意义。

    Objective : To explore the change in intestinal flora and its significance in burn patients undergoing early escharectomy en masse ( EEEM ) .

  28. 目的观察大面积切痂创面应用异体甘油保存皮作为创面覆盖物的效果。

    Objective To observe the effects of applying allo-skin with glycerin preserved grafting as cov-ering of wound surface in the removal of eschar of extensive burns .

  29. 锚网锚索支护技术在综采工作面大断面切眼的应用

    The Application of the Anchor Rope and Anchor Net Supporting Technique in the Cut Hole with Large Section in Working Face of Comprehensive Mechanized Coal Mining

  30. 通过对水峪矿放顶煤大断面切眼锚杆支护的研究,在设计和施工中采取了合理的技术措施,取得了满意的效果。

    Through studying the bolting support in large section caving cut in Suiyu mine , rational technical measures were carried out , and good result was achieved .