
  • 网络College chemistry;University chemistry;general chemistry
  1. 针对VB数值计算能力和图形处理能力不足,不利于系统开发的状况,该文在介绍了MatrixVB数学函数库的基础上,设计并实现了大学化学实验数据处理系统。

    According to the situation that VB is insufficient in numerical computation , picture dealing ability , and is weak in algorithm development , based on introducing Matrix VB math function library , the authors establish and accomplish the University Chemistry Experiment Data Processing System in the thesis .

  2. 大学化学中渗透压概念的讨论

    University Chemistry the Inside " osmosis pressure " the Concept 's Discussion

  3. MATLAB与大学化学数值计算应用研究

    Study on the Applications of MATLAB in Numerical Calculation in College Chemistry

  4. 基于VB的大学化学实验数据处理系统的研制

    Development of a Data Processing System Based on VB for Chemical Experiments in University

  5. 基于Internet的网络教育给传统的大学化学教学带来了前所未有的冲击。本文运用现代建构主义教学理论为指导,以开发《有机化学》网络课程为例,提出了“情境-建构-创新”教学模式。

    The article , guided by the modern constructivism teaching theory , illustrated with the internet course of organic chemistry , suggested the situation-construction-innovation teaching mode .

  6. 基于Matlab和VB混合编程实现大学化学实验数据处理系统

    The Exploration of Simulation Software in the College Chemistry Experiment Data Disposal System Based on Programming with VB and Matlab

  7. 这个学过大学化学的话就知道吧。MO碱度是指甲基橙碱度,用来测量水中的总碱度。

    MO Alkalinity refers to the Methyl Orange and the test used to measure the total alkalinity of water .

  8. 同时,结合中学和大学化学实验中的一些实例,介绍了CAI软件在实验教学中的应用。

    CAI software 's use is introduced in the experimental teaching by combining the middle school and college 's example .

  9. 面对农业院校工科大学化学实验学时少的现状,工科大学化学实验CAI课件的开发势在必行。

    In the course of engineering chemistry experiments , there exists a contradiction between the limited time and the ample contents for high agricultural institutes .

  10. 本文简要介绍了工科大学化学实验CAI课件的开发、功能特点以及在教学中的应用效果。

    The development and application of the CAI course ware of engineering chemistry experiment , including its functions and characteristics , are briefly introduced in this article .

  11. 采用VISUALBASIC6.0编制了大学化学实验数据处理系统,介绍该系统具备的功能和程序设计思路,包括窗体界面、公共模块、数值算法和数据库等部分。

    A data processing system for chemical experiments in university was developed with Visual Basic 6.0 . The functions and the design ideas of the system are introduced in four aspects of Windows interfaces , public modules , numerical arithmetic and database .

  12. JeanneThereseH.Andres是英国剑桥大学化学工程与生物技术系的菲律宾籍博士生。

    Jeanne Therese H.Andres is a Filipino PhD candidate at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge , UK .

  13. 南京理工大学化学系;

    Department of Chemistry , Nanjing University of Science & Technology ;

  14. 大学化学实验中交叉学科知识的运用

    The Application of Knowledge of Cross-Disciplines in the Experiments of College Chemistry

  15. 大学化学新实验的研究设计

    Research and Design of New Experiment in the College Chemistry

  16. 大学化学实验教材的编写与使用

    Compilation and Practice about the Experiment Textbook on College Chemistry

  17. 室温固相反应在大学化学中的应用

    The Application of Solid State Reaction at Room Temperature to College Chemistry

  18. 人文素质教育和科技伦理道德教育在大学化学教学中的探索与实践

    To offer humanistic quality education & scientific ethic-moral education in university teaching

  19. 大学化学专业应加强绿色化学教育

    The Necessity of Green Chemistry Education among College Chemistry Majors

  20. 我获得了波士顿大学化学专业的学位。

    I got a degree in Chemistry from Boston University .

  21. 大学化学是建筑环境专业重要的文化素质基础课。

    University Chemistry was an important required course for architectural environment students .

  22. 介绍了由南京大学化学系开发的多媒体物理化学教学软件。

    The Physical Chemistry CAI software developed by Nanjing University is introduced .

  23. 大学化学实验教学中学生心理素质培养

    University Chemical Experiment Teaching Should Pay Attention to Students ' Psychological Quality

  24. 山东大学化学化工学院;

    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Shandong University ;

  25. 大学化学专业实验教学新理念的构建

    Construction of the Novel Idea on College Chemistry Specialty Experiment

  26. 大学化学、化学工程或相关专业;

    Bachelors degree in chemistry , chemical engineering or a related discipline ;

  27. 三峡大学化学与生命科学学院

    College of Chemistry and Life Science China Three Gorges University

  28. 提高大学化学实验教学效果的实践与探索

    Practice and exploration on improving university chemical experimental teaching

  29. 绿色化学教育在大学化学教育中的作用

    Functions of " Green " in College Chemistry Education

  30. 马特是在劳伦琴大学化学工程。

    Matt is a Chemical Engineering at Laurentian University .