
A full 43 % of skilled white-collar Gen X women , ages 33 to 46 years old , haven 't yet had children based on a study of 2952 college-educated white-collar workers released last week .
Education level at the first place was college , about 70.95 % .
But white women with college degrees who had gotten married by age 40 were much more likely not to have divorced .
As a result , at age 40 , 76 % of college-educated white women were married , compared with 63 % of high-school graduates .
By 2008 , the figure for white women with college degrees had risen to 86 % , and it had fallen to 88 % for women with only high-school diplomas .
Some randomized optimization algorithms were applied to chemical batch process and some good results were achieved , however they should be further improved since the degree of optimization could not be judged easily .