
  • 网络Atmosphere;Atmospheric Model;atmosphere model
  1. 根据大气模型计算了SAR的额外时延、相位起伏噪声,结合不规则体的尺度解释了视场中心的位移和图像的畸变。

    Associating the scale length of irregularity , the center displacement of field of view and the distortion on the image is explained . Based on the atmospheric model , the excessive time delay and atmospheric phase noise are calculated .

  2. 太阳光谱线轮廓在日面上的变化和宁静太阳大气模型

    Center-to-limb variation of spectral lines and quiet sun atmospheric model

  3. 大气模型与实际之差引起的空间位置误差δp随模型误差增大而线性地增大;

    The error δ p increases proportionally as the difference between the model and the reality increases .

  4. 将GIS、大气模型与应急救援工作三者有机的整合,实现了GIS数据和应急数据的紧密结合及对硫化氢扩散的预测。

    The project integrated GIS , air model and emergency rescue work , realizing the combination of GIS data and emergency data and prediction of hydrogen sulphide diffusion .

  5. 比较了几种常用的大气模型在CHAMP卫星定轨预报中表现。

    A comparison is made between some widely used atmosphere density models by their performance in orbit determination and propagation of CHAMP satellite .

  6. 本文介绍了基于DSP的飞行器模拟器设计与实现,主要分为五个部分,第一部分建立了飞行仿真的数学模型,包括飞行器空气动力学和飞行力学的数学模型、标准大气模型和风模型;

    This article introduces the design and implement of flight simulator based on DSP which contains five parts . The first part establishs the math model of flight simulator which contains the model of aerodynamics and flight mechanics , the model of standard atmosphere and wind model ;

  7. 介绍了几种常用的标准大气模型,分析了标准大气模型的误差来源,经过分析认为标准大气模型不能满足VRS的需要。

    Secondly , several standard atmosphere models are introduced and corresponding error sources are analyzed . It is thought that standard atmosphere models can not meet the needs of VRS .

  8. 交互投影迭代算法的原理与实践:用线性化分离方法求解Non-LTE恒星大气模型

    Principles and practice of the iterative alter - nating projection algorithm : the solution for non-LTE stellar atmosphere model with linear separate method

  9. 根据Mie微粒子光散射理论计算了汽溶胶大气模型的光学特性,得到了汽溶胶的散射截面、吸收截面和消光截面以及红外波段散射强度分布,同时计算了汽溶胶大气的发射率光谱。

    The optical characteristics of micro-particles of collosol in aerosphere have been calculated by using the scattering theory of Mie , and we get the scattering cross-section and absorption cross-section and extinction cross-section and scattering intensity distribution function .

  10. 当湍动元长度小于40km时,中介湍动场可以用微观和宏观湍动的组合来模拟,对大气模型及谱线轮廓的计算基本无影响;

    The micro-and macro-turbulence approximation can be safely used when the correlation length is less than 40 km , and it has no great influence on the model calculations .

  11. 并将其应用于高度为800公里ERS-1卫星的轨道计算,结果表明:修订后的J77模型比其它大气模型在测轨精度上有明显改善。

    The new version of J77 is found to be obviously advantageous to the precision orbit determination of ERS-1 , which is at the height of800km , compared with other atmospheric models .

  12. 采用指数大气模型和实际海水电参数,通过对光滑球形地面上Rotheram地波场计算公式进行修正,计算得到了不同海态时海面上地波传播衰减因子。

    Using the exponetial atomsphere model , the realistic electric parameter of sea water , and combining with Rotheram 's ground wave formula , the ground wave attenuation factors for different sea state are obtained .

  13. 本文用多方过程方程式封闭一维带引力场的流体力学方程组,用不同的γ值计算了不同类型的扰动在HSRA太阳大气模型中向上传播和演化。

    We computed the upward propagation and evolution of different kinds of perturbations in the solar atmosphere , using HSRA as the unperturbed model . The dynamical equation used is an one dimensional compressible flow equation under gravitational acceleration at the solar surface .

  14. 标准大气模型建立映射函数的可靠性讨论

    Discussion on the Reliability of the Mapping Function from Standard Atmosphere

  15. 中子星自洽的有限磁层大气模型

    A self - consistent and finite magnetosphere model of a neutron star

  16. 声-重力波在两层大气模型中的频散理论和数值计算

    Dispersive theory and numerical computation of the acoustic-gravity wave in two-layer model

  17. 非局部热动平衡大气模型计算方法

    Computational Methods for the non-LTE Atmospheric Model

  18. 高层大气模型对空间站轨道漂移和寿命的影响分析

    Analysis of influence of upper atmospheric model on orbital drift and lifetime of space station

  19. 从而利用大气模型的参量得到更为准确的贡献函数,然而工作中仍然存在许多近似性和误差。

    Using the parameters of the model atmosphere , we can obtain contribution function exactly .

  20. 本文对非局部热动平衡大气模型的计算方法进行了总结和讨论。

    In this paper computational methods for the non-LTE atmospheric model are summarized and discussed .

  21. 冕洞网络的大气模型

    Atmosphere Models of Coronal Hole Network

  22. 介绍了一种简单的基于大气模型的天气退化图像复原方法。

    In this paper , a simple method of restoring a weather degradation image is introduced .

  23. 基于大气模型的天气退化图像复原方法及应用

    A Method of Restoring A Weather Degradation Image Based on Atmospheric Scattering Model and Its Application

  24. 据此导出了实测大气模型下,目标视在距离的精确解析求和式。

    Then the formula of apparent range of target is derived as sum of analytical expressions .

  25. 贫金属星的重元素丰度&Ⅰ.观测数据和大气模型

    Abundances of Heavy Elements in Metal Deficient Stars & ⅰ . Observational Material and Model Atmospheres

  26. 为了减少计算量、节省内存的使用,建立了近似的大气模型。

    A simple model of atmosphere is described for reducing computation load and economizing the EMS memory .

  27. 恒星大气模型的应用

    Applications of Model Stellar Atmospheres

  28. 利用真实系统的参数和标准大气模型,模拟了上述测量方法的测量灵敏度以及测量误差。

    The measuring sensitivity and error of wind velocity are simulated from true system parameter and standard atmospheric model .

  29. 文章介绍作者在早期线性化分离求解恒星大气模型方法基础上的改进工作。

    In this paper , the author introduce a new method using linearring separating concept for stemer atmosphere model calculations .

  30. 这种大气模型可满意地解释T≥10~5K范围的远紫外观测发射量度的分布。

    This atmosphere model can satisfactorily explain the emission measure distribution obtained from the EUV observations for T > 105K .