
  • 网络hook;rotary hook
  1. 游车大钩断裂原因分析及预防措施

    Failure analysis of traveling block hook fracture and preventative measures Buying a Car

  2. 用钻机大钩提起防喷器组并进行全面检查。

    Hoist the BOP stack with the hook and have an overall check .

  3. 从而得出在井架大钩较小载荷作用下,通过测量井架顶部z向位移及测试井架主要杆件的应力[1],以线性外推法进行井架安全承载能力评定是可行的。

    So we can conclude that measuring Z directional displacement on derrick top or testing the main elements stress by exerting a small load on derrick hook and using the linear extrapolation method to evaluate the safety resisting capacity of derrick is practicable .

  4. DG-350型大钩拆装机由传动系统、竖式支架、卡紧机构、找正机构和同步补偿机构等组成。

    The disassemble-and-reassemble device for Model DG-350 hook consists of the drive system the vertical stand , the clamping mechanism , the aligning mechanism , and the synchro equalizing mechanism .

  5. 深水钻井平台钻机大钩载荷计算方法

    Calculation method of rig hook load on deepwater drilling platform

  6. 在下列情况下,大钩负荷是多少?

    What is the hook-load for the following conditions ?

  7. 大钩的可焊性分析及工艺研究

    Study on the weldability and procedure for hooks

  8. 为了织一个温暖的毛衣,您使用厚纱和一个大钩或针。

    To make a warm sweater , you use thick yarn and a big hook or needles .

  9. 锁紧大钩销子。

    Lock the hook pin .

  10. 从450吨大钩试验研究谈提升设备的强度判据

    On the Strength Criterion for the Hoisting Equipment from an Investigation of a Hook Capably Loaded 450 Tons

  11. 井架结构要承受提放钻具的大钩载荷、风激励产生的风载荷以及钻机振动时产生的振动载荷等动载荷作用。

    Derrick structure must undergo hook load in tripping , wind load outdoors and vibration load when drilling machine is running .

  12. 对游车大钩使用工况和受力状态进行了分析,认为其断裂位置不在危险截面。

    It is considered that traveling block hook broke at non-risk section through analysis on its service condition and bear status .

  13. 依据试验分析结果,最终判定游车大钩断裂主要与游车大钩存在原始缺陷和材料韧性不足有关。

    It is concluded that traveling block hook broke because of original crack and poor toughness according to the test and analysis results .

  14. 在综合录井仪中,大钩高度的测量是最基本、最重要的,但其测量软件设计比较复杂。

    The hook height measurement is the most basic and important part of Comprehensive Mud Logging Unit and its software design is complex .

  15. 文中考虑井架实际受载情况:自重、风载、立根载荷、大钩静负荷以及各种恒载。

    All practical loads on the mast structure such as the wind load , the dead load and the hook load are considered .

  16. 当大钩高程和载荷达到设定限位时,可实施声光预警/报警和制动。

    When the hook height and hook load reach the set values , the system can carry out alerting signal and braking action .

  17. 然后基于此结构模型设计了CAN总线式传感器,对钻井过程中的重要参数进行测量和变送,包括转盘扭矩、大钩载荷、转杆温度和钻杆转速。

    Then , some CAN bus sensors are designed based on this structure model to measure and transmit the several important parameters in the course of well drilling .

  18. 建立了绞车转速与扭矩、大钩速度与钩载、快绳拉力之间的关系及绞车提升性能曲线,同时介绍了绞车交流变频、液压盘刹、气动辅助刹车、高、低速离合器等控制系统。

    Work out the hoisting performance curve and performance curve on the relations between drawworks speed and torque , hook speed and hook load , fast line pull .

  19. 选用国际上先进可靠、技术含量高的钻机部件(如游车大钩、水龙头、转盘等),使钻机整体技术水平与国外同类钻机保持同步。

    Advanced and reliable components , such as high-tech-based traveling hook , swivel and rotary table , are selected to improve the technical level of the drilling rig .

  20. 利用力学分析模型分别对打捞施工过程中管柱摩擦力和大钩载荷进行了详细计算,为打捞施工过程中工程参数的选择提供了理论依据,为安全施工提供了技术保证。

    By using the dynamic analysis model , string friction and hook load during operation were calculated and the results provided theoretical backups for the choosing of engineering parameters .

  21. 石油井架是钻机起升设备的重要组成部分之一,起着安放天车,悬挂游车、大钩及专用工具的重要作用。

    Rig derrick is one of the most important equipment in hoist system . People can install crown block and hang tackle , hoisting hook and special tools on it .

  22. 文章从分析大钩高度和绞车脉冲计数关系的理论模型和统计模型入手,介绍了大钩高度测量的软件设计。

    This paper first analyses the theoretical and statistic model of relation between hook height and drawback pulse count , and then introduces the sofeware design of the hook height measurement .

  23. 通过模拟调试验证了结合上位机和下位机对油井大钩负荷、原油油管压力和油管内原油温度的远程监测和现场监控。

    Simulating and debugging verified host computer in combination with other crew achieved remote monitor and onsite monitor of the oil well hook load , pressure and temperature of crude oil pipeline .

  24. 由井架安全承载试验结果可知:井架上段为受力较大部位;井架立柱测试应力与大钩作用载荷呈线性关系。

    The safety bearing capacity test shows that , the upper portion of the derrick is an area loaded heavily , and the measured stress on the derrick stand is linear to the hook load .

  25. 由于入井管串结构复杂,运用摩阻计算软件对稳定器最佳安放位置和下套管过程大钩载荷及摩阻进行设计计算,并制定了相应的配套技术措施,保证井下安全。

    Because of the complicated structure of downhole casing strings , the centralizer position and hook load and friction have been calculaed with the software of computer , the other corresponding measures were also made to guarantee the downhole safety .

  26. 通过将井口至大钩的方钻杆简化为连续梁,将旋转控制头上下胶心和驱动器对方钻杆的约束简化为中间弹性支座,建立了相应的钻柱横振动力学模型。

    By presuming the kelly between the mouth of well and the hooks as continuous beam and the restriction of rotating control head rubber core and driver on the kelly as middle elastic support , the model of lateral vibration is derived .

  27. 当纤维弯钩长度相同时,曲率越大、弯钩角度越小,说明弯曲越明显,弯曲程度越大;综合性的辅助判断,使弯钩纤维的特征更加明确。

    When the length of hooked-fiber is the same , the bigger curvature is , the smaller hook angle is , which is to say the curvature is more obviously .

  28. 然后分析了快绳、起升大绳、大钩、井架主体关键位置处的受力情况,得出了井架的最大受力位置。

    Secondly , position of maximum stress on derrick is got by analyzing forces on fast line , hoisting cable , hook , and critical position on derrick .

  29. 证实额定大钩钩载时,大钩速度为0.4~0.55米/秒,相当于绞车在Ⅲ档工作,气胎离合器在额定扭矩工作,此时钢丝绳设计安全系数大于3。

    The writer verifies that the designed safety coefficient of wire line should be bigger than 3 while the hook has the speed of 0.4-0.55 m / sec at hook load rating , corresponding to the drawworks operation at the third speed and air clutch operation at rated torque ;