
  • 网络continental glacier;cold glacier
  1. 我国大陆型冰川消融特征分析

    The Characteristics of Ablation on Continental type Glaciers in CHina

  2. 我国大陆型冰川运动的某些特征

    Some flow characteristics of Continental-type glaciers in China

  3. 蒸发(升华)作用对我国大陆型冰川的消融具有重要意义。

    The evaporation ( sublimation ) takes an important role in the ablation on continental type glaciers in China .

  4. 现代冰川共36条,总面积27.8km2,主要受西风环流及地方性环流的降水补给,具有亚大陆型冰川的特征。

    There are 36 glaciers with an area of 27.8 km  ̄ 2 , which have a main supply from westerly and local circulations , and characteristics of subcontinental type of glaciers .

  5. 祁连山地处我国西北干旱半干旱地区,是我国重要的生态屏障,是亚大陆型冰川与极大陆型冰川的过渡地带,是我国现代冰川研究的发祥地。

    The Qilian Mountains are located in the arid and semiarid regions of northwestern China . It is an important ecological barrier , a transition zone between subcontinental glaciers and extreme continental glaciers , and the birthplace of modern glacier research in China .

  6. 我国大陆型山地冰川对气候变化的响应

    The Response of Continental-type Glaciers to Climate Change in China

  7. 在前苏联中天山进行了两年的野外调查研究,利用所得资料,建立一个计算亚大陆型山地冰川物质-能量交换和冰川径流的模型。

    A model for calculating the mass-energy exchange and glacial runoff from sub-continental mountain glacier systems was developed using the experimental data from two years of field investigation in the Central Tien Shan of the former Soviet Union .