
  • 网络Tin Hau Temple
  1. 哎,大牛,我们到天后庙了。

    Daniel , we have arrived at Tin Hau Temple .

  2. 这里也有一座天后庙?

    There is also a Tin Hau Temple ?

  3. 天后庙是古代渔民所建,庙内供奉天后女神。

    The temple was built by fishermen to worship the Goddess of the Sea .

  4. 庙街,根据位于其中心的天后庙命名。是香港最具有活力的夜市。

    Temple St , named after the temple dedicated to Tin Hau at its centre , hosts the liveliest night market in Hong Kong .

  5. 眼望一处岬角,你就会看到一段混凝土造成的梯级&它的开端是在天后庙的路口。

    Look up to a headland , and you 'll see a flight of concrete steps-which start at a junction behind a small Tin Hau temple .

  6. 全港的天后庙中,以位于清水湾半岛大庙湾的一间最负盛名,每逢农历三月二十三日天后宝诞,都有很多善信前往进香。

    During Tin Hau Festival , which falls on the23rd day of the third moon , many worshippers visit the most famous Tin Hau temple at Joss House Bay on the Clear Water Bay Peninsula .