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tiān zhēn
  • naive;innocent;nature;artless;freedom
天真 [tiān zhēn]
  • (1) [nature;freedom]∶指不受礼俗拘束的品性

  • (2) [innocent;naive;artless]∶引申为单纯、朴实、幼稚;头脑简单

  • 不要太天真,以致相信这些政客的每件事

  • 天真的女孩

  • 天真似五岁的小孩

天真[tiān zhēn]
  1. 她装作一个温顺、天真、害羞的女孩。真不知道她想骗谁。

    She played the role of a meek , innocent , shy girl . I don 't know who she was trying to kid

  2. 这幅画把儿童天真活泼的神态画得惟妙惟肖。

    This picture vividly catches the innocent liveliness of children .

  3. 我天真地以为这活儿是有报酬的。

    I naively assumed that I would be paid for the work .

  4. 我天真地以为你很喜欢我。

    I fondly imagined that you cared for me .

  5. 十几岁的青少年就不像儿时那么淳朴天真了。

    Teenagers lose their childhood simplicity and naturalness .

  6. 他们对待生活的态度天真率直,令人耳目一新。

    Their approach to life is refreshingly naive .

  7. 这一天真倒霉!

    It 's been one of those days !

  8. 这一天真漫长,孩子们都累得打起蔫来。

    It had been a long day and the children were beginning to flag .

  9. 如果以为他的决定没有金钱的因素,那就太天真了。

    It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision .

  10. 我喜欢孩子的天真无邪。

    I love children 's innocence and lack of guile .

  11. 我不想再演天真少女的角色了。

    I don 't want any more ingenue roles .

  12. 这部戏在对待这一主题上有些理想化,甚至是天真。

    The drama takes an idealistic , even a naive view of the subject

  13. 过去的几天真把他给累坏了。

    The past few days had really worn him out

  14. 她那些色彩斑斓的油画与纸上作品给人一种天真、梦幻般的感觉。

    Her colourful oils and works on paper have a naive , dreamlike quality .

  15. 他觉得她很迷人,但对他来说可能又有点太过天真。

    He found her charming , but perhaps just a shade too ingenuous for him

  16. 这一天真是糟糕透了。

    It 's been a perfectly hideous day .

  17. 我与克丽茜对视了一眼,但她只是一脸天真地对我微笑。

    I caught Chrissie 's eye , but she only smiled back at me innocently

  18. 不知何故,她在他心里一直是个天真无邪的孩子。

    Somehow she 'd always been a child in his mind , pure and virginal

  19. 他最具持久魅力的特质就是他那孩子般的天真无邪。

    His most enduring quality is his childlike innocence

  20. 我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福。

    I must have been naive to think we would get my parents ' blessing .

  21. 西尔维是个天真的爱幻想的人。

    Sylvie was a simple-minded romantic

  22. 她有着孩子般的天真特质。

    She has a childlike quality .

  23. 我喜欢他那种孩童般的天真无邪。

    I love his childlike innocence .

  24. 在错综复杂的政治斗争中不要太天真了!

    Do not be rather unsophisticated in the complicated political struggle .

  25. 他有一副天真的模样。

    He wears an air of innocence .

  26. 你要相信这样的话,那就太天真了。

    If you believe that sort of talk you 're really naive .

  27. 一束孩童般的天真无邪的光在他那双俊秀的眼睛里闪耀出来。

    A childlike innocence shone out of his handsome eyes .

  28. 她显得这么年轻、天真、漂亮。

    He seemed so young and innocent-looking and pretty .

  29. 王小丫早期播音形象曝光模样青涩天真!

    Wang Xiao Ya phase broadcasts image exposure appearance is green unsmooth naive !

  30. 不要太天真,以免被他们的谎言所欺骗。

    Don 't be so naive as to be taken in by their lies .