
  • 网络TeraByte;Tb
  1. 例如,两太字节的驱动器会导致六太字节的存储。

    For example , two terabyte drives would result in about six terabytes of storage .

  2. 如今,普通的桌面计算机都会包含数千兆、甚至数太字节的数据!

    Now the average desktop computer contains hundreds of gigs , and in some cases terabytes , of data !

  3. 数据管理听起来可能像是一个枯燥的领域,统计学家和电脑程序员对着P值和太字节(TB)级的数据争论不休。

    Data management might sound like a dry field , where statisticians and computer programmers haggle over terabytes and p-values .