
  1. 去年三月,“阿尔法围棋”程序击败了世界最佳棋手之一、韩国的李世石。直至最近,即使是最好的人工智能程序也不太容易击败世界顶尖的围棋手们。

    Until recently , even the best artificial intelligence ( AI ) programs have struggled to beat the world 's top Go players - that is until March when a program called AlphaGo beat South Korean Lee Se-dol , one of the world 's best .

  2. 埃里克·施密特是拥有阿尔法狗围棋的谷歌公司的老板之一。

    Eric Schmidt is one of the bosses of Google , which own AlphoGo .

  3. 阿尔法狗围棋的成功和泰勒的失败几乎发生在同一时间。

    AlphaGo 's victory and Taylor 's defeat happened at about the same time .

  4. 阿尔法狗围棋程序的成功是证明电脑已经变得多聪明的一个例子。

    The AlphaGo program 's victory is an example of how smart computers have become .

  5. 在阿尔法狗围棋取胜的同时,微软的‘聊天机器人’的表现却不尽如人意。

    About the same time as AlphaGo 's triumph , Microsoft 's ‘ chatbot ' took a bad turn .