
  • 网络Too hot;so hot
  1. 天太热,我衣服都溻了。

    It 's so hot my clothes are soaked with sweat .

  2. 天气太热,这些叶子都要塌秧了。

    It 's so hot the leaves are beginning to wilt .

  3. 用不太热的烤箱烤制。

    Cook in a moderately hot oven .

  4. 有人觉得太热了吗?

    Is anyone too hot ?

  5. 天太热,连慢慢散步都吃不消。

    It was too hot even for a gentle stroll

  6. 天的确太热了,他想。

    It sure is hot , he thought .

  7. 天气太热了,莫不停地给我拿饮料出来,还拿扇子给我扇风。

    Mo kept bringing me out refreshments and fanning me as it was that hot .

  8. 今天不太热。

    It is not very hot today .

  9. 天太热,这糖都烊了。

    The sweets have gone soft in this hot weather .

  10. 今夜我们在屋外做饭,屋里太热了。

    We 're cooking out tonight ; it 's too hot indoors .

  11. 白天太热,夜里还好受点儿。

    It 's terribly hot during the day but a bit better at night .

  12. 你能不能和我调换一下位置?我觉得呆在太阳下面太热。

    Will you change places with me ? I find it too hot in the sun .

  13. 天太热,我们不得不全天开着电扇。

    It was so hot that we had to have the electric fan on all day long .

  14. B:不,太热了。如果你每天都要步行去上班,我相信你不会喜欢的。

    B : No , it 's so hot . I 'm sure you won 't like it if you have to go to work on foot every day .

  15. 旅馆太热了,床让她的背很疼,客房服务也太慢了。

    The hotel was too hot , the bed hurt her back and the room service was too slow .

  16. A:我想他不会来了。他刚刚打电话说今天太热了,他不来了。

    A : I don 't think he 's coming.He just called and said it 's too hot today and he wouldn 't come .

  17. 这里实在太热太闷了。

    It 's really hot and stuffy in here .

  18. 在挨个尝试过三只熊的食物和床后,金发姑娘发现有一个要么太大/太热,一个要么太小/太凉,只有一个是“刚刚好”。

    After testing all three examples of both items , Goldilocks determines that one of them is always too much in one extreme ( too hot or too large ) , one is too much in the opposite extreme ( too cold or too small ) , and one is " just right " .

  19. B是的,我也是。今天太热了。

    Yes , me too . It 's so hot today .

  20. 因为工厂里太热了,现在大部分的X光玻璃管都是机器生产的。

    It was too hot , Now most-X-ray tubes are made by machines .

  21. Internet社区中遇到类似问题的人一致认为,路由器或调制解调器(或者二者)可能太热了。

    The consensus in the Internet community among those with similar problems is that either the router or the modem ( or both ) might be getting too hot .

  22. 我会穿Splendid瑜伽裤,还会带几件轻便的打底衣裤,以免飞机里太冷或太热。

    I wear splendid yoga pants and bring several lightweight layers in case the plane gets too hot or too cold .

  23. 在我们开工前,我们的MT密我说:这太热了,我能不能穿得凉快些?

    Before we begun , our MT whispered me : It 's too hot here , and can I wear something cooler ?

  24. 时间序列AR(P)自回归模型多应用于经济预测领域,工程技术界多数人对此不太热悉。

    The time series AR ( P ) self-regression model is widely applied to prediction in economic field . Most of researchers and technicians in engineering are not familiar with it .

  25. 气候因素对此有部分影响:在许多地方,夏天化妆实在是太热了;看起来干净清爽才是最重要的。《Elle》杂志中文版美容总监HelenaHu说。而中国的女明星们成为了参照对象。

    The weather plays a part in this : In most places summer is too hot to wear make-up ; it is important to look clean , says Helena Hu , beauty director of Elle China .

  26. Gliese581E环绕它的寄主星运行的时期比该星系其他行星的要短,也就是说它离恒星非常近,因此太热而不会有水,不会有海洋。

    Gliese 581 E orbits its host star in a much shorter period of time than the other planet in the system , meaning it 's very close to the star , and therefore too hot for water , for an ocean .

  27. 正如分析师王庆在另一份报告中所写的,近期通胀的不断上升表明,不太热也不太冷的金发姑娘经济局面(Goldilocks)正接近尾声。

    As analyst Qing Wang wrote in a separate report , the recent flaring in inflation suggests the Goldilocks scenario [ not too hot , not too cold ] is close to running its course .

  28. 杯子里的水太热无法喝。

    The water in the glass is too hot to drink .

  29. 天气太热了,我无法工作。

    It was too hot so that I couldn 't work .

  30. 既然现在太热,为什么还要呆在这里呢?(疑问)

    Why stay here since it is too hot at present ?