
  1. 国外失业保障制度和经验对完善我国失业保障制度的启示

    Enlightenment from Experience of Foreign Unemployment Insurance System to Perfect Ours

  2. 转型期失业保障制度的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Unemployment Insurance System in Transitional Period

  3. 新疆城镇反贫困中的失业保障制度安排

    Unemployment Insurance Systems and Anti - poverty in Urban Xinjiang

  4. 失业保障制度在反失业中的双重效应及其构建方略

    The Dual Effects of Unemployment Insurance System to Anti-unemployment and Its Build-up PLan

  5. 日本失业保障制度解析及启示

    Japan 's Unemployment Insurance System Research and Enlightenment

  6. 在失业保障制度中,最基本的就是失业保险制度。

    In the unemployment assurance institution , the most basic is the unemployment insurance system .

  7. 失业保障制度作为一种被动的失业治理政策有其存在的理论基础;

    As one of passive unemployment cure policy , unemployment security system has its theory base ;

  8. 从法律的视域看,失业保障制度体现出这样的特质:公平正义、克服效率缺失、强制性的制度安排。

    From the perspective of law , the system of unemployment security has the following features : it is fare and just ;

  9. 失业保障制度保持其有效性和可持续发展是法学关注并着力解决的核心问题。

    The validity and sustainability of the system of unemployment security is one of the major issues in the science of law .

  10. 我国失业保障制度还处在改革和完善之中,对失业保障的统计研究正处于起步阶段,更没有建立失业保障预警系统。

    Ours is being perfected now and we have the starting period for the statistical study on unemployment security and we have no monitoring system of unemployment security yet .

  11. 如何建立和健全失业保障制度,是当今各国关心的一个重要研究课题,也是深入推进中国经济改革的一个关键问题。

    How to establish and perfect unemployed insurance system , it 's all of the country discuss the important topical , that 's carry the china economic reform crux problems .

  12. 在我国就业形十分严峻的情况下,有必要学习和借鉴国外经验,完善我国的失业保障制度。

    Under the circumstance of severe employment , it becomes necessary to learn the experience from the foreign countries and then perfect the system of unemployment insurance in our country .

  13. 失业保障制度作为构成社会保障体系的一个重要组成部分,是目前国际社会普遍采用的比较有效的应对失业问题的手段,因此将农民工这一弱势群体纳入失业保障范围内成为必然。

    Unemployment security system is an important part of the social security system , which is the most effective response to unemployment of method be implemented in the international community at present .

  14. 完善我国失业保障制度的对策是:建立和完善失业保障法律体系,扩大失业保障人员覆盖范围,失业保险基金筹集方式多元化,改变失业保障功能的单一性等。

    It overcomes deficiency , and it is enforced by law . A legal system should be established and improved and the coverage of unemployment should be expanded so as to perfect this system .

  15. 国际经验告诉我们,失业保障制度在国际上并没有统一的模式,虽然许多国家都有失业保障制度,但基于国情差异,不同国家在保障目标、组织方式上都有所不同;

    International experience tells that unemployment insurance system is not unified . In spite that many countries have unemployment guarantee system , different countries are different in aim and organization because of their different national conditions .

  16. 在第一章导论之后的第二章中,笔者以纵向研究方法考察中国失业保障制度的变迁历程,并从保险覆盖面、保险基金的筹集方式、待遇水准等要素比较制度的变化轨迹。

    After the introduction , In chapter one , the author vertically observes the dynamics of the system of unemployment guarantee in China and referring to factors such as insurance coverage rates , ways of collecting insurance funds and treatment criteria , compares its orbits of changes .

  17. 我国失业保障制度从建立至今虽经过两次大的调整,但仍存在不少弊端,对解决当前及今后的失业保障问题显得力不从心。

    From its establishment to present , although the system of unemployment guarantee in China has undergone two major adjustments , there are some weaknesses and as to its dealing with current and future problems of the unemployment guarantee , the system falls short of people 's expectations .

  18. 在目前就业形势不容乐观的条件下,尽快完善我国失业法律保障制度显得更为重要。

    Under the current conditions of the situation of employment being not optimistic , it seems more important to perfect the legal guarantee system of unemployment as soon as possible .

  19. 失业保险制度是我国失业保障制度的归宿和合适选择。

    Then it comes to that unemployment security system is the most suitable choice in China .

  20. 在这样一个大背景下,研究我国大学毕业生失业问题、是否应该建立大学生失业保障制度以及如何构建一种有效的失业防御机制与失业保障制度,促进大学生就业,具有十分重大的现实意义。

    For such a background , It has great realistic meanings that we study graduates unemployment and how to create an effective unemployment defend mechanism and unemployment cure system to promote graduates employment .

  21. 同时,大学毕业生之前没有过固定的职业和以此为基础的失业保险金,也就没有条件纳入到现有的失业保障制度中去。

    At the same time , university graduates have not been fixed as the basis for employment and unemployment insurance , there will be no conditions into the existing system of unemployment protection .

  22. 我国目前面临着较为严峻的失业形势,要改变这种现状,需要调整我国失业保障制度的重心,转移到促进就业的发展和强化上来,这也是国际上失业保障制度发展的方向。

    To rectify the serious unemployment situation , it is necessary to adjust the center of gravity in unemployment insurance system to employment development and stimulation , which is the orientation of unemployment insurance system development .

  23. 要从根本上解决失业问题给经济带来的困扰,关键在于建立一种有效的失业保障制度。

    It is important to establish an efficient unemployment insurance system to resolve the difficulties brought by unemployment .

  24. 为了缓解失业压力,解决失业问题,两次世界大战之间英国各届政府采取各种措施逐渐完善了英国的失业保障制度。

    In order to relieve great unemployment pressure and to solve this problem , actions and measures were taken by the government during the year between 1918 ~ 1939 , so that the British unemployment insurance system was increasingly im-proved .

  25. 其次,通过失业救济补贴、济贫法制度和劳动救济制度对失业者提供救济。建立了失业保险制度与失业救济制度相结合的双轨失业保障制度,在一定程度上为失业者提供了生活保障。

    At the meantime , it gave relief to the unemployed by the unemployment assistance , the Poor Law and the work relief system .