
  • 网络nyquist criterion;nyquist criteria
  1. 在第三章,利用奈奎斯特准则和Hopf分岔图示定理分析上述两个模型的Hopf分岔方向与分岔周期解的稳定性。

    The algebraic equations for computing the Hopf bifurcation are obtained . In Chapter three , the direction and stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions are determined by the Nyquist criterion and the graphical Hopf bifurcation theorem .

  2. 采样定理与奈奎斯特准则的研究

    A Study of Shannon Sampling Theorem and Nyquist Criterion

  3. 采样定理的内在不自洽性和工程应用的局限性&采样定理和奈奎斯特准则研究·上篇

    The Inner Self inconsistency and Confinement in Engineering Practice for the Sampling Theorem : Part ⅰ

  4. 采样定理的发展&采样定理和奈奎斯特准则研究·中篇

    The Development of Sampling Theorem

  5. 在抗噪声性能好的频域相位相关方法的基础上,结合奈奎斯特准则,提出了一种新的,只对频域未受混叠影响的部分进行参数估计的配准算法。

    We put forward a new image registration method based on the Nyquist criterion and phase correlation method which has good performance on anti-noise . It estimates parameters only based on aliasing-free parts in low resolution image .

  6. 为了得到最优的参数值,首先将该补偿器等效为一个线性时不变的模型,然后利用环路成形法、奈奎斯特准则和根轨迹分析法定量地获取了这些最优参量值。

    In order to obtain the optimal parameters , this time-varying compensator should be converted into a linear time invariant ( LTI ) model , and then quantitively acquire these optimal parameters by using loop-shaping approach , Nyquist criteria and root locus analysis .

  7. 奈奎斯特第三准则响应函数的求取方法

    The Method of Gaining Nyquist Third Criterion Response Function

  8. 最后构造了满足奈奎斯特第二准则的等效传输函数。

    Then , the transfer function that equivalent to Nyquist 's second criterion is constructed .