
zòu mínɡ qǔ
  • sonata
奏鸣曲 [zòu míng qǔ]
  • [sonata] 一种由四个独立乐章组成的器乐曲,各乐章都具有独特的结构与风格

  1. 这张唱片包括了C小调的钢琴奏鸣曲。

    This disc includes the piano sonata in C minor .

  2. 评论家对于她在电影《秋日奏鸣曲》中的表演大加赞赏。

    The critics rhapsodized over her performance in ' Autumn Sonata '

  3. 这次行动的代号是“月光奏鸣曲”。

    The operation was code-named Moonlight Sonata .

  4. 这些是奏鸣曲的起始和弦。

    These are the opening chords of a sonata .

  5. 他只谈到奏鸣曲的结构,而未及于它的起源。

    He only talked about the structure of the sonata without mentioning its origin .

  6. 弹奏格里格《C小调小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲》有感

    My Impressions on Playing Grieg 's c minor Third Sonata for Violin and Piano

  7. 论李斯特《B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》的创作理念与手法的历史传承与创新

    Liszt 's Piano Sonata in b Minor : Transmission and Innovation of Ideas and Techniques

  8. 贝多芬:钢琴奏鸣曲第25首,作品79,G大调。

    Beethoven : Piano Sonata No.25 Op.79 in G major .

  9. 这次我不会演奏《g小调奏鸣曲》。

    This time I won 't play The Sonata of G.

  10. 宋瓷上的乾隆题诗第二章阐述B小调奏鸣曲手稿所反映的问题;

    Emperor Qianlong 's Autograph on Song Porcelain the second chapter focuses on the autograph of the Sonata ;

  11. 卡伯瑞拉:G小调大管奏鸣曲(钢琴伴奏版)。

    Sonata for Bassoon and Piano G minor .

  12. 李斯特的B小调奏鸣曲,在十九世纪钢琴文献中占有里程碑式的特殊地位。

    Liszt 's sonata in B minor , is one of the crowning piece among the nineteenth-century piano composition .

  13. 他听见某人正用F调在弹他的奏鸣曲。

    He heard someone playing his sonata in F.

  14. 评说大师们的勃拉姆斯三首小提琴奏鸣曲贝多芬《C小调主题及三十二首变奏曲》研究

    Brahms The 3 Violin Sonatas The Research of Beethoven 's " Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme of C Minor "

  15. 那好像是我的F大调奏鸣曲。

    It is from my Sonata in F.

  16. 安东尼奥·维瓦尔第的e小调奏鸣曲最初是为大提琴与通奏低音创作的,是典型的巴洛克音乐。

    Sonata in E minor from Antonio Vivaldi is originally composed for Cello and basso continuo in Baroque Style .

  17. D.斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲中的即兴性风格研究

    Study on the style of Vamp in Sonata of D.Scarlatti

  18. 他的钢琴作品包括B小调钢琴奏鸣曲、首钢琴协奏曲,这些都被选入钢琴标准曲目。这首小提琴曲也可改写成钢琴曲。

    His piano compositions include works such as his Piano Sonata in B minor , and two piano concertos , which have entered the standard repertoire .

  19. 节奏的探索&德彪西《G小调小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲》的演奏研究

    The Exploration of Rhythm & A study of the performance of Debussy 's " Sonata in G Minor for Violin and Piano "

  20. 周二,她在皇家节日音乐厅演奏莫扎特莫扎特《G大调小提琴奏鸣曲》时因为有孩子在台下咳嗽而生气。

    She took offence at a child coughing during her performance of Mozart 's SonataIn G at the Royal Festival Hall here on Tuesday .

  21. 新英格兰青年乐团-教堂奏鸣曲第12章,小号E大调末乐章协奏曲,四提琴弦乐协奏曲。

    New England Youth Ensemble – Church Sonata No.12 , Finale from Trumpet Concerto in E Flat , Concerto for Four Violins and Strings .

  22. 2009年,他录制了梅特涅尔的F小调钢琴奏鸣曲,收录于俄罗斯第一张收录了所有梅特涅尔奏鸣曲的音乐专辑。

    In2009 , he recorded Piano sonata in F minor by Medtner in the first Russian edition of all Medtner 's sonatas .

  23. 可是我记得很清楚,3岁那年我举行第一次钢琴音乐会的时候,弹的是贝多芬的G大调小奏鸣曲。

    But I can remember very well when I was three making my concert debut on the piano playing a G Major sonatina by Beethoven .

  24. 奏鸣曲HammerklavierOp106是公认的贝多芬的伟大作品,。

    This sonata Hammerklavier Op 106 is widely accepted as one of the greatest works by Beethoven .

  25. 宁静而致远&贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲作品OP·110的演奏与感悟

    Quiet but With the Result that Far & the performance and comprehension of Beethoven 's piano sonata , op.110

  26. 第三,对《巴赫G小调无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲》的旋律、节奏、力度变化中弓子的运用(主要分析了第一乐章和第二乐章)进行了分析。

    The study analyzed the application of bow in melody , rhythm , strength changes to " Bach G minor violin sonata no instruments " ( the first movement and the second movement ) .

  27. 感受古典的魅力放飞艺术的灵魂&浅析莫扎特《F大调钢琴奏鸣曲》K.533

    Let the Artistic Soul Fly in Mozart 's Piano Sonata with F Major K.533

  28. 第一章中,主要探讨的是作品在结构形式上与J·S巴赫六首无伴奏奏鸣曲的渊源关系;

    In chapter one , it mainly focuses on the origin relation between the works and six unaccompanied sonatas of J · S Bach in structure formal ;

  29. 最后,透过结构与和声这两大表现形式,结合相关资料与史实,对《b小调奏鸣曲》的内容做相关阐释。并得出该曲具有极大的自传意义的结论。

    Finally , through the two major forms , the structure and harmony , and combined with relevant information and facts on the " Sonata in b minor ", infer the great sonata has " autobiographic feature " conclusions .

  30. 德彪西《G小调小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲》丰富、多变、细腻的节拍节奏为这一论断提供了典型的实例。

    The rhythm of Debussy 's " Sonata in G Minor for Violin and Piano " is rich , changeful and delicate . It provides a solid example for a typical model for this conclusion .