
  • 网络incentive;INCENTIVE TRAVEL;Incentive Tour;Incentive Travel program
  1. 在世界范围内,MICE(公司会议、奖励旅游、大型会议、展览)产业都是旅游业中增长速度最快的部门之一。

    MICE ( Meetings , Incentives , Conventions & Exhibitions ) industry is one of the most fast-growing segments in tourism worldwide .

  2. 国内外奖励旅游发展比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Incentive Travel Development between Domestics and Overseas

  3. 浅析北京会展及奖励旅游业现状及发展趋势

    Trial Analysis of Status Quo and Trend of Development of MICE

  4. 试论奖励旅游与生产者服务

    A Trail Discussion on Incentive Tourism and Producers ' Services

  5. 我国发展奖励旅游初探

    A Study of Developing the Incentive Travel in China

  6. 奖励旅游非常体验

    Bonus Travel , Extraordinary Experience

  7. 三亚是婚宴,商务展览,奖励旅游及年会的理想目的地。

    It is an ideal destination for wedding , business exhibition , incentive trip , annual meeting .

  8. 会议、展览及奖励旅游是旅游业的重要一环。

    The convention , exhibition and incentive travel sector is a key component of the tourism industry .

  9. 奖励旅游产品实施效应研究&以重庆奖励旅游市场为例

    A Study on the Effect of Incentive Tourism Products & Taking Chongqing Incentive Tourism Market as A Case

  10. 撇除所有金钱负担因素(例如免费奖励旅游),如可得到工作上的优势,你会否考虑参与南极旅游?

    Despite all financial concerns , will you consider to visit Antarctica for advantages on promotions in workplace ?

  11. 海斯先生说,尽管本轮奖励旅游挑战赛结束了,但“百万奖金通知”的热情还将继续。

    Mr Hayes said Queensland 's tourism industry would be the ultimate winners of the Million Dollar Memo .

  12. 年内,旅游协会继续致力推广香港为举办国际会议和奖励旅游的理想地方。

    The HKTA continued to strengthen efforts to promote Hong Kong as the venue for international conference and incentive travel .

  13. 会议性奖励旅游是商务旅游发展到一定阶段派生出的高端产品。

    Meetings and incentive travel is the " high-end products " when the business tourism develops to a certain stage .

  14. 从奖励旅游客源市场倾向、目的地选择倾向以及奖励旅游专业机构等角度比较了国内外奖励旅游的发展特征;

    Secondly , the article compares the domestic and overseas incentive travel on passengers market trend , destination choosing and professional agencies etc.

  15. 针对国内现状,就奖励旅游的概念、本质和奖励旅游最新走势等一些基本理论问题进行了探析;

    According to domestic current situation , this essay analyzes basic theories such as conception , essence and latest trend of incentive tour study .

  16. 本文从生产者服务的独特角度,概括了奖励旅游的属性与特点,并对大力扶持奖励旅游提出了有关建议。

    This paper summarized the attributes and features of incentive tourism and raised some suggestions for supporting incentive tourism development from the angle of producers ' services .

  17. 会议策划,展览展示,广告布置,舞美设计,演艺礼仪,礼品制作,拓展训练,奖励旅游等等。

    Conference planning , exhibition shows , advertisement arrangement , stage artistic design , performing and etiquette , fabrication of gifts , team building , incentive travel , etc.

  18. 本文在查阅了大量国内外资料的基础上,对国内外奖励旅游的发展进行了比较,并提出了我国的奖励旅游发展策略。

    Based on the analysis & research results by domestics and overseas experts , the paper gives a comparative research on incentive travel development between domestics and overseas .

  19. 如果有人在某部大片中看到了一个景点,大量的媒体曝光就会使其成为家庭度假、蜜月或者奖励旅游不二的选择。

    If a traveler has seen a site in a major motion picture , its media exposure makes it a compelling choice for a family vacation , honeymoon or incentive trip .

  20. 如果经济活动频繁,便会实施奖励旅游的公司逐渐增多,并且,为了扩大经济活动,把奖励旅游作为手段之一的公司也不少。

    More economic activities often bring to a larger number of companies adopting incentive travels . Furthermore , many companies would like to further expand their business by means of incentive travels .

  21. 现代旅游服务业的新增长态势表现在会展旅游、奖励旅游、商务旅游、节事旅游、咨询旅游的兴起。

    The new growth trend of modern traveling service industry is manifested in the rise of exhibition tour , incentive tour , business travel , festival & event tour , consultation tour .

  22. 近年来,本公司先后推出了生态游、自助游、奖励旅游、“旅游车站”、百年中国之旅、红色之旅和老年人之旅等30多条旅游新线路、新产品。

    Recent years , we have carried on the following new routes : wild tour , random tour , incentive tour ," Tour station "," China century ", Red Army tour , Old men tour .

  23. 国外奖励旅游市场已然成熟,而国内发展则刚刚起步,奖励旅游使用者的感知效应有所偏差。

    Incentive tourism market overseas has already been mature , while in our country , it is still in the early stage of its development . The travellers have deviations in terms of its perceptual effect .

  24. 然而商务旅游、奖励旅游等活动对于现代非旅游企业来说,无疑是一项繁琐但又必须做好、做精的一项业务,投入一定量的人力、物力是不合算也是不经济的。

    However , business tourism and incentive tourism activities are tedious but also necessary fine-making businesses for modern non-enterprises undoubtedly , which are not economic because they need a certain amount of material and human resources investment .

  25. 基于当前我国奖励旅游发展的现状,本文通过分析奖励旅游的内涵、特征,并对我国发展奖励旅游对策进行初步探讨。

    Based on the present situation of china 's incentive travel , this article analyzes the connotation and characteristics of incentive travel , and correspondingly it puts forward some elemental measures to develop the incentive travel market .

  26. 奖励旅游是现代旅游业发展到一定程度的产物,它是服务经济与生产性服务业日益成熟的表现,也是现代企业管理创新的反映。

    Incentive tourism is the inevitable result of the development of modern tourism . It is not only a manifestation of the maturing service economy and productive service sector , but also a reflection of modern enterprise management innovations .

  27. 宜人的气候、良好的生态环境、日益完善的会展旅游设施和热情好客的市民已使浦东新区成为国内外开展会展和奖励旅游活动最富吸引力的目的地之一。

    Pudong New Area has become one of the most attractive destination of meetings and incentive travel at home and abroad , due to its pleasant climate , good ecological environment , perfect MICE facilities day by day , hospitable citizen and so on .

  28. 上海是我国第一大城市,也是世界大都市之一,拥有较为完善的会议商务设施,已经初步具备了成为国际会议奖励旅游目的地的条件。

    Shanghai is the largest cities in China and one of the great metropolis in the world , it has the more perfect conference and commerce facilities , and have already initially possessed a certain condition for the destination of international meetings and incentive travel .