• Xi;why;how;what;where
  • 古代指被役使的人:“~三百人”。~奴。

  • 文言疑问代词,相当于“胡”、“何”:~(为什么)不去也?子将~(什么)先?水~(何处)自至?

  • 姓。


[书] (何) why; how; where; what:

  • 奚为后我?

    Why leave us to the last?

  • 子将奚先?

    Which would you place first?


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 奚明

    Xi Ming

  1. 奚为后我?

    Why leave us to the last ?

  2. 奚可以与我友?

    How can you be on terms of friendship with me ?

  3. 子将奚先?

    Which would you place first ?

  4. 奚教授由此得出结论,让自己忙一点有助于保持好的心情。

    Prof Hsee concluded keeping busy helped keep people happy .

  5. 村议会讨论季奚和他带回来的肉,一直开得很晚。

    The Council set up late talking about Keesh and the meat .

  6. 当季奚说到打猎时,哄笑声更多了。

    There was much laughter when Keesh spoke of hunting .

  7. 第二部分,奚琴在朝鲜半岛的发展与演变。

    The second part , Xi Qin Korean Peninsula in development and evolution .

  8. 女人们和丈夫们吵起来,责备他们让季奚一个小孩子打猎。

    The women shouted at their men for letting the little boy go .

  9. 辽金时期奚族在承德地区活动史迹探考

    On Traces of Xi National during liao and Jin Periods in Chengde Prefecture

  10. 季奚把骨头弯成一个圆圈。

    Keesh bent the bone into a circle .

  11. 克娄石&克完告诉季奚有两个猎人看到他杀死了一只熊。

    Klosh Kwan told Keesh that two hunters had seen him kill a bear .

  12. 奚氏痛风灵2号对慢性高尿酸血症肾病大鼠尿酸代谢的影响

    Curative Effect of Xi 's Gout Killer-2 on the Experimental Rats of Urate Nephropathy

  13. 季奚正在吃饭,但还是迎接了他们。

    Keesh was eating but he welcomes them .

  14. 季奚等到吵杂声平息下来。

    Keesh waited until the noise went .

  15. 第三年则专门研究奚倪中晚期作品。

    Heaney 's later works will be the focus of study in the third year .

  16. 好像秀奚斯的鸟飞向画中的葡萄

    Like Zeuxis'bird fly to the painted grape

  17. 第二年将专注于傅利耦研究与奚倪早期作品。

    Year two is devoted to Brian Friel and the early works of Seamus Heaney .

  18. 从边缘出发&奚密的现代汉诗研究述评

    Starting from Margin : A Review of Michelle Yeh 's Study on Modern Chinese Poetry

  19. 季奚又去打猎了,两个年轻的猎人比恩和鲍恩在偷偷跟着他。

    On keesh 's next trip two young hunters , Bim and bawn , followed him .

  20. 季奚小心地靠近熊,拿着他父亲用过的长矛向熊刺去。

    Keesh moved carefully up to the bear and pushed his father 's spear into it .

  21. 该研究在《心理科学》杂志上发表。奚教授称该发现具有政策指导意义。

    He said the findings , reported in the journal Psychological Science , had policy implications .

  22. 这一时期奚琴逐渐完成了由竹片弓向马尾弓的过渡。

    During this period Xi Qin finished gradually by bamboo bow horsetail bows to the transition .

  23. 同时在朝鲜半岛,奚琴又呈现出另外一条不同的发展演变脉络。

    At the same time on the Korean Peninsula , Xi Qin presents a different development evolution .

  24. 芝加哥大学商学院的奚恺元和他的同事做了一个重要的实验展示这是怎么回事。

    An important studyby Christopher Hsee of the Chicago School of Business and colleagues showed howthis could happen .

  25. 密苏里州奚尼市遭强烈龙卷风席卷,搜救失踪人口的活动还在紧张进行中。

    Search is still going on for the missing from the massive tornado that flattened Joplin , Missouri .

  26. 奚人世家大族,亦多由部落联盟时代的显贵家族发展而来。

    The Hsi great families mostly also evolved from the celebrated and noble families of the tribe union times .

  27. 这就是很久以前住在北极海边的季奚的故事。

    And that is the story of Keesh who lived long ago on the edge of the polar sea .

  28. 那奚回去后向赵简子报告说:‘王良真是天下最不会驾车的人了!’

    The favourite Xi reported this result , saying , " he is the poorest charioteer in the world . "

  29. 辽王朝统治时期,辽宁境内出现了民族杂居的局面,既有汉族,又有契丹族和奚族,还有渤海族和女真族。

    In Liao Dynasty , there were several nations living together , such as : Han , Qidan , Xi , Bohai and Nvzhen .

  30. 根据这个结果及其它实验[5],奚恺元得出的结论是参与者牺牲了快乐以追求最高分数。

    Based on this , and otherexperiments [ 5 ] , Hsee concluded that participants are maximising theirpoints at the expense of maximising their happiness .