
  • 网络oort cloud;Oort
  1. 该理论认为涅墨西斯星球每隔2700万年会穿过奥尔特云向地球发射一大批彗星。

    The theory was that Nemesis crashed through the Oort cloud every 27 million years and sent a shower of comets in our direction .

  2. 在那里,它引起了奥尔特云的浩劫,奥尔特云是一个巨大的围绕太阳系的区域,里面包含了数十亿从行星形成中分离出来的宇宙碎块。

    There it causes havoc in the Oort Cloud , a huge region surrounding the solar rule which contains billions of bits of cosmic rubble left over since the tomation of planets .

  3. 木星一土星区域有适合这种慧星存在的合适温度。它距离太阳比古比皮带和奥尔特云都要近。这两者是大多数慧星可能形成的地方。

    The Jupiter-Saturn region would have been just the right temperature for such a comet , which is much closer to the sun than the Kuiper Belt or Oorl Cloud where most comets probably formed .

  4. 但是,在彗星从它们在行星盘的诞生地'前进'到奥尔特云的方式上,以及它们能返回太阳系内部的途径上,这颗星扮演着重要的角色。

    But it would play a big role in the way comets'made their way'from their birth places in the planetary disc out to the Oort Cloud and on now they can return to the inner solar system .

  5. 奥尔特云是一个由粉尘和冰组成的庞大云带,据信它距离太阳约一光年,许多穿越我们太阳系的彗星都来自那里。

    The Oort cloud is a vast belt of dust and ice that is believed to lie around one light year from the Sun and is the origin of many of the comets that pass through our solar system .

  6. 环绕着的是内外环行星、柯伊伯带、奥尔特云、半人马座阿尔法星系、英仙座星系、银河系,其它附近星系包括有仙女座星系,还有宇宙网、宇宙微波辐射,以及最边缘大爆炸产生的夸克胶子等离子体。

    the Kuiper belt ; Oort cloud ; Alpha Centauri star ; Perseus Arm ; Milky Way galaxy ; other nearby galaxies including theAndromeda galaxy ; the cosmic web ; cosmic microwave radiation ; and , at the very edges of the image , quark-gluon plasma produced by the Big Bang .

  7. 而哈雷彗星及其同类彗星则来自遥远的奥尔特彗星云。

    Halley and its ilk came from a distant swarm of comets called the Oort Cloud .