
  • 网络Queen's head;caput-medusae;Tillandsia caput-medusae
  1. 在加冕典礼上,大主教把王冠戴在女王头上。

    At the coronation , the archbishop put a crown on the Queen 's head .

  2. 亨利:啊,去了不少地方,但最后去了“女王头”酒店。

    Henry : Oh , lots of places , but we ended up in the " Queen 's Head " .

  3. 一种宗教或庄重典礼的公开表演具备所有的合适礼节。在加冕典礼上,大主教把王冠戴在女王头上。

    The public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual . At the coronation , the archbishop put a crown on the Queen 's head .

  4. 第四个奴仆让同伴安静了下来,他轻轻拾起王冠,小心地戴在女王头上,没有把她惊醒。

    And the fourth slave silenced the others , and softly he picked up the crown and replaced it , without waking her , on the old queen 's head .

  5. 国王和女王们头戴王冠。

    Kings and queens wear crowns .

  6. 这时,老女王的头忽然低垂了一下。她的王冠掉到了地上。

    At this moment the old queen nodded in her sleep , and her crown fell to the floor .