
  • 网络carbonara;bacon and pasta with cream sauce
  1. 谢谢收看本期“奶油培根意大利面”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make Spaghetti Carbonara

  2. 只有自制意大利面(奶油培根鸡蛋面),配上炒菠菜和蒜头。

    Just some homemade pasta ( spaghetti cabonara ) with a side order of saut é ed spinach and garlic .

  3. 我在罗马的第一餐饭很平常。只有自制意大利面(奶油培根鸡蛋面),配上炒菠菜和蒜头。

    The first meal I ate in Rome was nothing much . Just some homemade pasta ( spaghetti cabonara ) with a side order of sauted spinach and garlic .