
  • 网络hollywood style
  1. 长期以来,为风格导演主导的法国电影界一直不愿把贝松纳入自己的圈子,指责他创作了《霹雳煞》(LaFemmeNikita)等浮华好莱坞风格的动作片。

    The auteur-dominated film community in France has long been reluctant to embrace Mr Besson as one of its own , accusing him of creating showy Hollywood-style action movies such as La Femme Nikita .

  2. 阿拉伯风格、好莱坞风格、宝莱坞风格,以及“水晶球”风格,都是贝迪近来的创意主题。

    Arab , Hollywood , Bollywood and a " crystal ball " are themes he has recently worked to produce .

  3. 超大号的黄金或银质耳环让人想起上世纪八十年代,带有好莱坞复古风格的羽毛、流苏耳环,还有活力四射的彩珠耳环——这些都是本季的上上之选。

    Supersized gold and silver hoops reminiscent of the 1980s , feathered and fringed earrings with old Hollywood glamour , and vibrant ones crafted with multicolored beads ― these are among the best choices for this season . So don 't be afraid to go big and bold with your earrings .

  4. 遗憾的是,你那非喜即悲的好莱坞式结局风格,令你无法作出现实生活中的决定。

    Unfortunately , the Hollywood ending , either glorious or tragic is making it impossible for you to make a real life decision .

  5. 她挽着发髻,穿着白衬衫和卡其色外套,看上去与她好莱坞明星的风格截然不同。

    With her hair in a bun and dressed in simple white shirt and gray woolen outfit , she looks quite different from her common Hollywood star style .

  6. 相较之下,中国影片《北京遇上西雅图》则极具好莱坞戏剧的风格。

    By contrast , the Chinese movie Finding Mr. Right - the title in Mandarin translates as Beijing Meets Seattle - is very Hollywood in its dramatic arc .