
  • 网络The Voice;good voice;good sound
  1. 所以,“好声音”现象在全世界继续风靡着。

    So " The Voice " franchise phenomenon continues .

  2. 一样的标志,一样的舞台,甚至一样的编排,“好声音”现在几乎风靡世界。

    Same logo , same stage , and even same editing , " The Voice " is now almost everywhere .

  3. 该年5月,他和李维一起代表“中国好声音”赴伦敦参加当地“TheVoice”总决选。

    In May , he went to London to attend The Voice UK with Li Wei on behalf of The Voice of China .

  4. 亚当·莱文突然宣布从NBC的美国好声音中退出,顿时传言满天飞。

    Adam Levine 's abrupt exit from NBC 's The Voice has the rumor mill turning .

  5. 年仅23岁的他不仅登上过维秘、X元素以及美国好声音的舞台,还曾为包括闺蜜泰勒•斯威夫特在内的诸多一流歌手登台助阵。

    The 23-year-old artist has performed at the Victoria 's Fashion Show , on X Factor and on The Voice 's finale , and toured with top singers including his close friend Taylor Swift .

  6. 声明未提到浙江卫视播出的真人秀“中国好声音”(TheVoiceofChina)。但也没有点名的必要。

    The statement didn 't name ' The Voice of China , ' the reality show broadcast by Zhejiang province 's satellite broadcaster and based on the Dutch program ' The Voice of Holland . ' But then , it didn 't have to .

  7. 《中国好声音》是中国的一档真人秀节目,于2012年7月13日起在浙江卫视开播,改版自荷兰选秀节目TheVoiceofHolland。

    The Voice of China , based on Dutch program The Voice of Holland , is a Chinese reality talent show that premiered on 13 July 2012 , on the Zhejiang Television .

  8. 澳大利亚数字媒体公司GoConnectLtd.的股价大幅回升。在这背后,杰克逊五兄弟演唱组(Jackson5)的明星号召力以及中国对《好声音》(TheVoice)的热爱是否起到了推动作用?

    Are Jackson 5 star power and China 's love of ' The Voice ' fueling a dramatic rally in shares of Australian digital media company GoConnect Ltd. ?

  9. 盲听海选,歌唱比赛,现场表演,这些都是真人秀节目“好声音”的经典模式。它的原版是由媒体大亨JohndeMol于2010年创办的一档荷兰现场歌唱比赛。

    Blind auditions , singing competitions , live performances , this is the classic format of the talent show " The Voice . " Its origin is a Dutch reality singing competition , created by media tycoon John de Mol in 2010 .

  10. 西方授权本土制作兼具异国情调和(中国)当地审美。歌曲比赛类尤其受欢迎:中国达人秀,中国好声音和X音素(激情唱响)均已登陆(中国市场)。

    Locally produced versions of western franchises combine the sheen of the exotic withthe familiarity of local aesthetics . Singing competitions are especially popular : China 's Got Talent , The Voice of China and a version of The X Factor ( China 's Strongest Voice ) have all been major hits .

  11. JJ5推出之前,中国版《好声音》成为中国最受欢迎的娱乐节目。

    The debut of JJ5 follows the rise of the Chinese version of ' The Voice ' as China 's most popular show . '

  12. 《美国好声音》将艰难度过另一轮,鲍威尔说。

    The Voice is going to survive another round , Powell says .

  13. 我的下一场演出音响师鼓声起好声音比赛

    Now my next show is gonna be drumroll please A singing competition

  14. 第七季美国好声音将在9月22日开唱。

    Season 7 of The Voice kicks off Sept. 22 .

  15. 在美国,“好声音”已经开始播出第三季。

    In the US , The Voice has started its third season .

  16. 答案当然是《中国好声音》!

    Yes , the answer would definitely be The Voice of China .

  17. 好声音比赛冠军选手的获奖金额为935美元

    The winner of the singing contest will receive a grand prize of 935 $

  18. 此外,它还协助推出了热门电视节目《好声音》的中国版。

    It also helped develop a Chinese version of the hit TV show The Voice .

  19. 这就是《中国好声音》。

    That is the Voice of China .

  20. 同年,他参加了多场《好声音》的巡回演唱会。

    In the same year , he took part in the live tour of The Voice .

  21. 参加中国好声音

    Participated in The Voice Of China

  22. 那么,为什么好声音会在中国和世界上舞台上如此受欢迎呢?

    So why is the Voice franchise winning such huge popularity in China and around the globe ?

  23. 学员,导师,制片人以及媒体都表示他们从“好声音”学到了很多。

    The contestants , coaches , producers and broadcasters all agree they 've learned a lot from the show .

  24. 这个电视节目超级受欢迎,人们也记住了《中国好声音》这个品牌。

    The TV program is so hot that the brand name also evolved into a life of its own .

  25. 我都会为你的好声音、好歌声感到惊讶从我第一次见到你开始。

    I 'm always amazed that you have a really good voice , from the very first time I met you .

  26. 一只琵琶哥说中国好声音给所有的音乐爱好者提供了追求梦想滴机会。

    The Voice of China lets all of us music lovers bravely pursue our dreams , said a man carrying a lute .

  27. 像《中国好声音》、《中国最强音》、《中国梦之声》和《快乐男声》这类选秀节目正在对观众进行轮番轰炸。

    Talent shows like The Voice of China , The X Factor , Chinese Idol , and Super Boy are bombarding TV audiences .

  28. 如何重新赢得观众支持是中国好声音制作现在需要考虑的关键问题。

    How to win back the favour of its audiences is a crucial consideration for the makers of The Voice of China right now .

  29. 激烈的竞争使制作公司的避险情绪增强,这使跟风效仿大获成功的“中国好声音”成为一种安全的做法。

    Fierce competition makes producers more risk averse , which makes echoing the successful ' The Voice of China ' a safe bet . '

  30. 《中国好声音》歌手姚贝娜和其他女明星一样加入到了《时尚健康》的裸拍照行列,宣传提高大家对乳腺癌的意识。

    Voice of China star Yao Beina has joined other female celebrities to pose nude for a Trends Health spread promoting breast cancer awareness .