
  1. 必须完善环境司法体系,加大执法力度;

    Environmental judicial system must be perfected and enforcement of law should be strengthened ;

  2. 环保法庭设立的初衷是为了克服现有环境司法审判力量分散问题,是对环境案件审判机构专门化的尝试。

    Environmental courts which are an attempt of environmental expertise of judicial organizations are designed in order to overcome the problem of the scattered ability for environmental justice .

  3. 同时,我国个别地方还积极借鉴国外先进经验,对环境司法专门化进行了有益尝试,取得了较好的司法效果。

    At the same time , some individual region also actively learned from advanced foreign experience , and took beneficial attempts to environmental justice specialization , which obtained better legal effect .

  4. 然而,法官的环境司法能动的发挥又会遭遇环境立法不完善,环境司法审判队伍素质不高、地方司法环境不健康等问题的现实阻碍。

    However , the environmental legislation is not perfect , the quality of environmental justice team is not high , and the local legal environment is not healthy , all these problems have been the obstacles of the playing of the environmental activism .

  5. 我国也产生多样化的环境诉讼司法实践。

    China also produces a variety of environmental litigation judicial practice .

  6. 第三,建立生态绿心地区生态环境保护司法救济制度。

    Thirdly , set up the judicial relief system of ecological environment protection about Eco-green heart area .

  7. 研究我国环境刑事司法政策主要从司法解释及司法操作中加以阐述的。

    Research in our country environment criminal justice policies mainly are discussed from the judicial interpretation and judicial operation .

  8. 而对于本罪的立法价值,笔者分别从立法完善、执法环境、司法实践三个角度提出了本罪设立所产生的积极意义。

    The value of this crime legislation , from the legislative perfect environment for law enforcement , judicial practice , the three angles of the crime of introduction of the positive .

  9. 接着分析了恢复性司法对环境刑事司法价值目标的全面促进作用,并论证了环境刑事司法体系中移植恢复性司法的可行性;

    And then we analyze its functions in promoting the realization of these worth targets , and argue the feasibility of transplanting Restorative Justice into the criminal judicatory of the environment and resource offense .

  10. 论述了环境行政司法的特点、原则及种类,重点分析了环境行政裁决和环境行政调解。

    The paper explicates the characteristics , principles and types of environmental administration judicature , analyzes emphatically the environmental administration adjudication and environmental administration intercession , puts froward suggestions in line with the status .

  11. 恢复性司法以其整体性的思维模式和多元化的价值追求为我们提供了一个刑事司法的新范式,对我们的环境刑事司法有着积极的借鉴意义。

    Restorative Justice provides us a new type of the criminal judicatory in the thinking mode and value pursue , which is very useful to our criminal judicatory of the environment and resource offense .

  12. 而司法环境与实现司法公正之间有着密切联系。

    The judicial environment and implementation of justice are closely linked .

  13. 美国环境侵权民事司法中利益衡量的适用及对我国的启示

    Balance of Interests in U. S. Judicial Practice Relating to Environmental Torts

  14. 污染环境犯罪的司法认定

    On the Legal Assertion of Polluting the Environment Crime

  15. 第一节环境法的司法作用

    A. the judicial role in environmental law

  16. 论环境纠纷的司法救济

    On the Judicatory Relief of Environment Dispute

  17. 这一观点不符合侵权法的内在要求和环境侵权的司法实践。

    This opinion deviates from the requirement of law of tort and practice of environmental tort .

  18. 尤其是中央提出构建和谐社会以来,在这种政治环境下,司法系统也加快了对刑事和解的探索和应用的步伐。

    Especially since the idea of harmonious society by the central communist party , the judicial system also stepped up the exploitation and application of the Victim-Offender Mediation under such political environment .

  19. 在对环境污染犯罪司法实践中缺乏针对环境污染受害者的特别保护,应该建立专门的司法机制来保障被害人的利益诉求。

    On the environmental pollution crime in judicial practice due to the special protection of victims of environmental pollution , should establish the special judicial mechanisms to protect the interests of victims appeal .

  20. 中国刑事诉讼引进辩诉交易,除了源于辩诉交易的价值和合理性以外,还有引入的法律基础、公众的心理基础、观念基础、良好的司法环境等本土司法资源因素。

    Apart from its value and rationality , the reasons are including the legal basis of introduction , the psychological basis , foundation of concepts , a good judicial environment and other local judicial resources .

  21. 这种观点虽然有一定的道理,有助于我国树立程序正义的理念,但是由于脱离了我国的本土环境,在司法实践中难以操作,缺乏可行性。

    This view has some truth to help China to establish the concept of procedural justice . But due to out of our local environment , this view is difficult to operate and lack of feasibility in judicial practice .

  22. 为实现环境权的司法救济,有必要突破传统诉讼法在制度设计和程序要求方面的规定,扩大纠纷的可诉性范围、扩大诉的利益范围、放宽原告资格的标准。

    It is necessary to break through the regulation of procedure requirement and institution design of the traditional litigation theory , to enlarge the scope of dispute suability , to enlarge the scope of interest of action , to broaden the criteria of the plaintiffs ' qualification .

  23. 我国司法鉴定结论审查中确实存在着很多问题。如自由心证制度带来的种种缺陷,鉴定机构混乱、法官素质不高以及外部司法环境等对司法鉴定结论的客观性和科学性带来的影响。

    In fact , there are many problems in our justice-identify-conclusion examination , such as the flaws with discretional evaluation system , the disorder of identifying institutions , the adverse effect of the poor quality of judges and poor judicial environment to the objectivity and scientificity of identify-conclusion .

  24. 司法机关要公正司法,以使公民的环境权得到有效司法救济;

    Fair judicatory , make citizen environment right get valid judicatory relief ;

  25. 然而,我国环境刑事立法、司法政策上仍然存在着各种各样的问题。

    However , Our country environment criminal activity legislation , judicial policy still exist all kinds of problems .

  26. 我国经济转型时期的单位犯罪根源于独立的市场经济主体地位和其自身利益,生存于不健全的法制环境,避难于司法惩治不力和地方保护主义的庇护,导因于公民淡漠的法制观念。

    It originates in independent position of market economy subject and its own interest , exists in unhealthy legal context , shelters under inadequate legal punishment and local protectionism , roots in citizens ' indifferent attitude toward law .

  27. 危险标准的判断是环境危险犯的司法认定关键问题,其应该根据一般人与科学的标准相结合的原则判断,并同时采用允许被告人反证的法律上的推定原则。

    In judicial practice , in light of the standard of judging the environmental dangerous criminals by the combination of the general personal and scientific stands , meanwhile , adopt " the legal presumption permitting the defendants to prove oppositely " .

  28. 律师执业环境包括立法环境、司法环境、社会环境等,良好的执业环境是律师有效开展执业活动的基础。

    The lawyers ' practising context consists of the legislative context , the judicial context and the social context , and so on . The favorable context is the basis of lawyers ' effective practising .

  29. 主要研究领域为环境法基础理论、环境司法、比较环境法、污染防治法及能源法等。

    Her Main research interests are the basic theory of environmental law , environmental justice , comparative environmental law , pollution control law and energy law .

  30. 近些年,环境违法行为不断爆发,环境刑事司法案件却很少。

    In recent years , environmental violations constantly outbreak , but environmental criminal justice cases are few .