
  • 网络rudong;Rudong County
  1. 江苏如东县土壤有效锌铜含量影响因子分析

    Analysis of factors effecting Zn and Cu contents in soils of Rudong county , jiangsu Province

  2. 江苏省如东县未来5年农业产值的预测

    Prediction of the Agricultural Output Value in the Next Five Years in Rudong County in Jiangsu Province

  3. 如东县计划生育优质服务三询评估制

    On the Three Inquiries Assessing System for High Quality FP Services in Rudong County

  4. 如东县海堤林业资源生态经济效益初步评估

    Preliminary evaluation of ecological economic effect of forest resource on the coastal bank in Rudong County Jiangsu

  5. 江苏如东县棉花原种场海涂土地资源综合开发的方向、途径和效益

    Model and beneficial result of comprehensive exploitation for Ru Dong county cotton raw seed growing station , Jiangsu Province

  6. 如东县流动人口的血防知识、态度和行为健康教育干预效果

    Knowledge , Attitudes , and Behavior about Schistosomiasis among Floating Populations in Jiangsu Province before and after Health Education Intervention

  7. 在如东县棉花原种场大比例尺土壤调查的基础上研究了该场滨海盐渍土变化的特点。

    This study is based on the large scale map of soil survey of Rudong Cotton Raw Seed Growing Farm .

  8. 江苏省如东县试行餐饮业食品卫生监督量化分级管理效果评价

    Effect Assessment of Quantified and Classified Management on Food Hygiene Surveillance of Catering Trade for Trial Implementation in Rudong County of Jiangsu Province

  9. 损伤与中毒和恶性肿瘤是如东县育龄妇女的主要死因,分别占死因构成的35.28%和29.86%。

    The major death causes were injured . Poisoning and carinoma which occupied 35.28 % and 29.86 % among all the death causes .

  10. 小城镇总体规划理论实践及问题研究&江苏省如东县长沙镇总体规划剖析

    RESEARCH ON THE MASTER PLANNING PRACTICE & ISSUES FOR TOWN ── Review of Changsha town 's Master planning , Rudong county , Jiangsu province

  11. 为了明确如东县土壤有效硼含量丰缺的状况,以指导硼肥的施用,对该县土壤有效硼作了分析研究。

    Aiming at the right use of boron fertilizer in Rudong County , Jiangsu Province , a number of soil samples have been tested .

  12. 对农村实行一池三改工程进行了详细的效益分析,并对如东县进行了具体的建设规划。

    The benefit was detailedly analyzed for " Three change for one pool " for the countries , where the concrete building program was made .

  13. 例如,江苏省如东县的5万多名干部、党员,人人都能模范地执行国家的计划生育政策。

    For instance , each of over 50,000 cadres and Party members in Rudong County , Jiangsu Province has exemplarily implemented the state 's family planning policy .

  14. 本文以如东县52个土壤剖面、104个土壤样本为材料,采用统计的方法,研究了影响石灰性土壤有效性锌和有效性铜的土壤因素。

    104 soil samples from 52 profiles in Rudong County were adopted for studying the effective factors on the available contents of zinc and copper in the calcareous soils .

  15. 文章主要介绍了在江苏省如东县掘苴新闸工程建设中开展安全生产管理和创建文明工地活动的一些具体做法,给类似工程以借鉴。

    The article introduces certain methods of safety management in production and building civilized construction site in Jueju New Gate project , which is very meaningful to the similar projects .

  16. 结论:如东县卫生医疗机构消毒灭菌合格率还较低,需要加强消毒与灭菌管理。

    Conclusion : In medical and health institutions of Rudong , there is lower eligible rate of disinfection and sterilization , so administration of medical and health institutions need to be strengthened .

  17. 据统计,目前国内精制棉年产量约10万吨,江苏省如东县现有4家精制棉生产企业,总生产能力达1万吨/年,年产生废水量200多万吨。

    The existing four refined cotton producers have a total production capacity of 10,000 tons / year , and produce more than 200 million tons / year wastewater in Rudong County , Jiangsu Province .

  18. 本文叙述如东县实施结核病规程状况,规程目的在于以有限的财力,采用最佳和最经济的方式预防、诊断和治疗结核病。

    This article introduce the local TB Control Programme , the aim of local programme is to use limited resources to prevent , diagnose and treat the disease in the best and most economical way .

  19. 如东县垃圾和粪便无害化处置场污水处理工程采用UASB/吹脱/混凝沉淀/SBR工艺,将渗滤液和粪便合并处理。

    For the wastewater treatment project of innocuous refuse and dejecta disposal site in Rudong County , UASB / air stripping / coagulation and sedimentation / SBR process was used for combined treatment of landfill leachate and dejecta .