
  1. 透过日野之彦的作品,观者可以感受到人们在面对如此竞争、快速发展的社会和未来无限的可能性下的不知所措与盲目。

    Through Hino 's art , viewers absorb this confounded emotion through osmosis and learn to feel equally blinded by the intense competition , rapid development , and boundless possibilities of the future .

  2. 在如此竞争激烈的市场环境下,如果想抢占市场的先机,就要靠新产品开发,那么新产品的质量就成了突出的问题。

    In such a competitive market environment , if you want to seize market opportunities , we rely on new product development , then the quality of new products has become a prominent problem .

  3. 其次,通过介绍中小外贸企业面临的环境变化和挑战,市场的竞争越来越激烈,公司要在如此竞争中生存发展,提高核心竞争力迫在眉睫。

    Secondly , according to the introduction of the environment and challenge , the competition of market is more and more vigorous , so , in order to survive and develop , promoting the core competencies of HR company is a ungency .

  4. 只有当我国高技术产业拥有如此的竞争优势时,才能够在激烈的国际市场上赢得更大的市场份额,从而增强综合国力,提升国际地位。

    Only with these competition predominance our High Technology industry can win more market lot in the fury international market , and boost up colligate national power , and advance international status .

  5. 在如此强烈竞争的环境下,要想取得一席之地,各企业在目前良好服务的基础之上,需提高企业的运营效率和自身管理水平。

    In such a strong competitive environment , in order to get a place , in the current business based on good service , the need to improve the operational efficiency of enterprises and their management .

  6. 美国咨询公司CaseyQuirk的合伙人本菲利普斯(BenPhillips)表示,资产管理公司从未面对过如此激烈的竞争。

    Asset managers have never faced such stiff competition , says Ben Phillips , partner of Casey Quirk , a US consultancy .

  7. 在如此激烈的竞争之下中国本土企业如何突破重围?

    How tobreak the siege under such fierce competition for Chinese enterprises ?

  8. 作为一个国家,我们为什么如此着迷于竞争而冷落合作?

    Why , as a nation , are we so obsessed with competition , so indifferent to cooperation ?

  9. 如果墨守成规,靠过去的一些老经验在如此激烈的竞争中站稳脚跟已经很不现实。

    Keeping ideologism and relying on those old experiences is far beyond adequate in such a severe competition .

  10. 如何在如此激烈的竞争环境中生存并发展,这是每个企业都必须思考和面对的问题。

    How to survive and develop in such a competitive environment is a problem that each corporation has to face .

  11. 因此,面对着如此激烈的竞争环境,关注如何提高银行竞争力,既是商业银行的核心任务,也是商业银行经营可持续发展的前提条件。

    Therefore , facing such fierce competition , it becomes the core task for commercial banks to focus on improving their competitiveness .

  12. 国内保险公司只有不断加强自身核心竞争力的建设,才能在如此激烈的竞争环境下立于不败之地。

    The domestic insurance companies must strengthen the construction of core competitive power , can be in such a fierce competition remain invincible .

  13. 因此,在如此激烈的竞争中,探寻公路客运发展空间及未来发展方向具有重要的现实意义。

    Thus , in such a fierce competition , to explore the development of road passenger space and the future direction of important practical significance .

  14. 然而在如此严峻的竞争形势下,企业要想成功实施这一发展战略必须依赖于对市场的准确、有效的细分。

    However under this rigorous competitive situation , the enterprise must depend on the accurate and valid subdivision of market to practice such a development strategy .

  15. 面对如此激烈的竞争,石油勘探企业要生存、发展就必须加强成本管理,采取各种措施降低成本。

    Faced with such fierce competition , to survive and develop , oil exploration enterprise must strengthen costs management and take various measures to reduce costs .

  16. 在如此激烈的竞争面前,怎样走出一条有特色的媒介经营之路,成为众多省级电视台地面频道深感困惑的问题。

    In the face of so keen competition , how the media go out of the way of a feature becomes a embarrassing question for the numerous TV at the provincial level .

  17. 企业想在如此严峻的竞争环境下获得生存和发展,必须成为竞争单元&供应链的节点企业,而企业之间相互整合集成的过程就是供应链的集成过程。

    Companies have to be node enterprise of supply chain if they want to survive and develop in such serious competition environment . The integration of companies is the integration of supply chain .

  18. 对于企业而言,创新已成为企业效益增长的最重要的特征,企业要想在如此激烈的竞争中脱颖而出就必须有所创新,这样才能保持竞争优势。

    For businesses , innovation has become the most important feature of corporate profit growth , companies succeed in this fierce competition , we must be innovative , so as to maintain a competitive advantage .

  19. 这必然会改变现代企业的内外部生存环境,企业需要迅速、准确的应对快速变化的市场环境,才能在如此激烈的竞争中长期保持生命力。

    The transformation will inevitably change the inside and outside environment of modern enterprises . Companies need to respond to rapidly changing market environment quickly and accurately , to maintain long-term vitality in the intense competition .

  20. 制丝企业要想在如此残酷的竞争环境中生存就必须依靠先进的生产设备,运用合理的管理手段,降低消耗,提高产品质量与生产效率。

    In order to exist in the ruthless competition environment , the silk enterprises must depend on the advanced produce equipment and application of some reasonable management , so that they could lower depletion , increase production efficiency .

  21. 在如此激烈的竞争环境中,了解每个产品或服务的成本,识别哪些是盈利的,或至少哪些对间接费用和最终盈利能力是有贡献的,这些都至关重要。

    In such a competitive environment , it is extremely vital that being aware of the cost of goods and service , identifying which are profitable , or at least which make contribution to indirect cost and final profitability .

  22. 优步和滴滴出行之间的竞争,是近期历史上第一次有一家外国大技术公司与中国本土企业展开如此激烈的竞争。这在一定程度上是因为中国普遍封锁外国网站。

    In part because of China 's widespread blocking of foreign websites , the competition between Uber and Didi marks the first time in recent history a major foreign tech company has vied so intensely with a local Chinese business .

  23. 并在此基础上,通过对比分析,指出:面对如此的市场竞争态势和新经济的要求,武烟只有尽快实施正确的发展战略。

    And on this basis , through comparing with analysing , point out : In the face of market competition situation and new request of economy like this , military smoke implement the correct development strategy as soon as possible only .

  24. 企业若想在如此激烈的竞争中占据优势地位,就必须不断加强员工的培训、增加对人力资本的投资、提高员工的整体素质,只有这样,企业才能真正处于整个行业的前列。

    If enterprise wants to occupy the dominant position in the fierce competition , it must continue strengthening training , increase investment in human capital and improve the quality of staff . Then enterprises will be truly at the forefront of the industry .

  25. 对于全世界的企业发展而言,经济全球化和经济竞争日趋激烈化早已没有什么秘密可言,面对国际国内如此激烈的竞争局面,企业所面临的挑战也在不断升级。

    In terms of all the enterprises ' development , Economic globalization and increasingly fierce economic competition has not been no secret at all . Facing such intense international and domestic competitive situation , the challenges faced by the enterprises are constantly upgrading .

  26. 我国的外贸企业如果想要在如此激烈的竞争环境中求得生存和发展,必须寻求途径提高自身的竞争能力,盈利能力和偿债能力是竞争能力的两个重要方面。

    The national foreign trade enterprises must seek ways to improve competitiveness if they want to survive and develop in so fierce competition environment . Debt paying ability and profitability are two important aspects of competition ability . Foreign trade listed companies are representatives in the foreign trade industry .

  27. 如此多的人们竞争同一个岗位,一位有朋友或招聘人同事的引荐会给你一项优势。

    With so many job seekers competing for the same position , you have an edge if you are referred by a friend or colleague of the hiring manager .

  28. 他们一直努力发展业务,但是在如此激烈的市场竞争中,他们真不知道是否有一天成功会来临。

    They kept on trying their best to develop their business , but in such intense market competition , they had no idea if success would come along one day .

  29. 虽然我国经过30多年的改革开放和高速经济增长取得了举世瞩目的成就,但要面对如此激烈的产业竞争并非易事。

    Although we have made remarkable achievements through 30 years of reform and opening up and rapid economic growth , we also feel the pressure when faced with such fierce competition .

  30. 企业如何在如此激烈的市场竞争中占有一席之地,如何有效地保留客户、减少客户的流失呢?这些都是众多企业最关心的问题。

    How to win in such a fierce competition of the market , how to effectively retain customers 、 reduce customer churn ? these questions are most concerned about for the large number of companies .