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mèi zi
  • younger sister;young woman
妹子 [mèi zǐ]
  • [younger sister] 中国南方对同辈年纪比自己小的女子的称呼

  1. 她叫望月,今天才来的,湖南妹子。

    Her name is a chimera , today 's Hunan province 's younger sister .

  2. 你是我的妹子。

    You are my younger sister only .

  3. 所谓的“波霸餐厅”灵感源于美国猫头鹰餐厅Hooters,这家已经经营了30年的老牌连锁店以穿着超短裤和奇怪橙色连裤袜的大胸妹子服务员而著称。

    The so-called " breastaurants " take inspiration from Hooters , the 30-year-old chain known for big-breasted waitresses wearing short shorts and oddly orange pantyhose .

  4. 这名妹子名叫Monica,来自阿拉巴马州,已经去过意大利、巴巴多斯和菲律宾

    Monica Lynn , from Alabama , has travelled to Italy , Barbados and the Phillipines .

  5. 看看那张Mitchell和毕业舞会舞伴妹子握手的照片就知道了。

    That 's why I have a picture of Mitchell and his prom date shaking hands .

  6. 由zWinnieYap开发的化妆教程一步步指导妹子们如何涂出原宿(Harajuku)风柔和绯红眼妆,这一教程的点击量已经超过了10万。

    A make up tutorial by zWinnieYap , a step-by-step guide for applying Harajuku soft blush eye make up , has been viewed more than 100000 times .

  7. 我们将在本集中,PhineasFerb干扰他们的妹子,创造出一种特殊的计划他们母亲的生日派对,包括连一首歌。

    In this episode , Phineas and Ferb interfere with their sister 's plans of creating a special party for their mother 's birthday which includes even a song .

  8. 不过据Kotaku的报道,年轻的韩国妹子们又将这股潮流发扬光大了,妹子们做出爱心刘海后会在网上晒出照片。

    But young Korean girls have taken the trend to new levels , according to Kotaku , styling their fringes and sharing pictures online .

  9. 那人岂不是自己对我说,她是我的妹子吗。

    Said he not unto me , She is my sister ?

  10. 我想待多久就待多久,妹子

    I 'll stay as long as I want , woman .

  11. 杰夫:嘿,妹子,你舞跳得好性感。

    Jeff : Hey , sister , you dance so sexy .

  12. 耶稣素来爱马大和她妹子并拉撒路。

    Now Jesus loved Martha , and her sister , and Lazarus .

  13. 我妹子,我新妇,你夺了我的心。

    Thou hast ravished my heart , my sister , my spouse ;

  14. 昨天的我小妹子患了伤风。

    Yesterday my little sister caught ( a ) cold .

  15. 大神烟沙的九个妹子不嫁。

    If the nine sisters of great god Yansha had mot married .

  16. 和一个妹子在纽约市地铁上的对话:

    Conversation with a girl on the Subway in NYC :

  17. 一说九个姑娘是沙拉的妹子。

    A parlance shows the nine girls are the sister of Shala .

  18. 我妹子,我新妇,你的爱情何其美。

    How fair is thy love , my sister , my spouse !

  19. 他不愿带他的妹子,也没有带马格洛大娘。

    He would take neither his sister nor Madame magloire .

  20. 为什么男人喜欢大眼睛妹子?

    Why Do Men Find Women With Larger Eyes Attractive ?

  21. 也许泰迪妹子是来看我的。

    Or maybe Teddy bear is here to see me .

  22. 妹子有点小花样呢!

    She 's busy with some little scheme or other !

  23. 除了他的妹子巴狄斯丁姑娘以外,他还有两个亲兄弟。

    Besides his sister , Mademoiselle Baptistine , he had two brothers .

  24. 在场的所有妹子爷我想钓谁都能上钩。

    I could totally pick up any woman in here .

  25. 他笑嘻嘻向他的妹子说。

    And said to his sister , with a smile .

  26. 你没听到有个妹子大喊我的名字吗

    Did you hear that one lady screaming my name ?

  27. 你绝对是我见过眼睛最大的妹子。

    You are literally the most wide-eyed person I 've ever seen .

  28. 三条街外加十五声“哟呵妹子”那么远

    Three blocks and 15 " hola chicas " away .

  29. 对,我们在找我的妹子。

    Yeah . We 're looking for my sister .

  30. 靠,妹子,你真美,你晚点有活动吗?

    Damn , girl , you look good . What you doing later ?