
  • 网络entrusted operation;Management Contract
  1. 委托经营管理模式在后奥运时期大型体育场馆市场化运营中的应用

    Application of the Entrusted Operation Mode in Market-orientated Operation of Large Sports Venues after the Olympic Games

  2. 本文以非营利剧院管理的委托经营模式为研究对象。

    This article discusses the entrusted management of Non-profit theatres .

  3. 航运企业委托经营中不对称信息博弈的联合确定基数法

    Combined Defining Base Quota in Entrust Operation of Shipping Companies

  4. 英超俱乐部的经营方式主要包括自营和委托经营,委托经营主要是俱乐部委托英超公司的电视转播权谈判;

    The management modes of clubs mainly involve self-support management and commission management .

  5. 浅谈委托经营航运企业水上交通安全管理

    Discussion on the trusted safety management of shipping enterprises

  6. 委托经营的会计处理问题。

    The accounting treatment of entrust operation .

  7. 联合基数确定法在公路营运委托经营管理中的应用

    Application of Model of Jointly Deciding Contract Target to the Delegation Management in Road Operation Period

  8. 在四、五星级酒店的开业筹建、委托经营管理等方面积累了丰富的经验。

    We have accumulated rich experience in hotel opening preparation and business operation of four or five-star hotels .

  9. 按照铁道部相关文件要求,新建的合资铁路公司均采取了委托经营管理模式。

    According with the relevant requirement of the Ministry of Railways , all the new joint venture companies are founded by commission management .

  10. 证券服务部必须由证券公司独立经营,不得联营或委托经营。

    Securities service departments shall be operated by securities companies independently and shall not be operated by different entities jointly or by an entrusted entity .

  11. 利用Microsoft.社区卫生服务机构实施委托经营管理改革的条件探讨

    A Web-based poloidal field remote control system , which utilizes the mandatory service of Microsoft . Condition of Mandatory Management in Organization of Community Health Service

  12. 方法:采用现场调查、访谈和现有定性、定量资料分析相结合的方法,了解上海闸北区临汾社区卫生服务中心实行委托经营管理的过程。

    Methods : Key informant interviews and existing quantitative and qualitative data were integrated to find out the process of mandatory management in Linfen community health service center .

  13. 上海城市社区卫生服务中心实行委托经营改革的目的就是真正转变其功能,实现六位一体,提高社区卫生服务中心在市场经济的大环境中的竞争力。

    The purpose of implementing reform on mandatory asset management of community health service center in Shanghai is to transform the function into sextet and enhance the competitive ability in economy market .

  14. 本研究内容来源于闸北区科委立项课题“社区卫生服务中心委托经营管理改革两年研究”。

    The study contents came from the project named " Study of the Reform of Delegation Management in Community Health Service Center ", which approved by the Science Committee of Zhabei , District .

  15. 目的:通过研究社区卫生服务机构实行委托经营管理的过程及成效,探讨社区卫生服务机构实行委托经营管理改革的条件,为进一步深化和推广提供经验。

    Objective : By analyzing the process and effect of the mandatory management in community health service institute , the paper explored the condition of mandatory management to provide experiences for further reform .

  16. 结论:社区卫生服务机构实施委托经营管理的改革应具备以下几个基本条件:充分的改革准备工作;高素质的经营者;

    Conclusions : Reform of mandatory management in community health service institutes should have following conditions : full preparation before reform , high-quality administrator , good reform base , agreeable relation inside the leading group and so on .

  17. 对原始工业产品的生产,日军通过中日合办、委托经营等方式变相地控制这些企业的管理权,为其实施物资统制服务。

    For the production of the original industry , the Japan 's Imperial Army adopted the methods of joint investment and entrusting to conduct indirectly control the management power of these business enterprises to serve for its supplies control .

  18. 输出管理模式:酒店全权委托经营管理,酒店开业筹备顾问,酒店业主顾问,酒店扭亏为盈顾问,酒店营业策划顾问,酒店服务质量顾问等。

    Output management mode : full authority management of hotel , advising on Hotel opening preparation , management consultancy to hotel owners , advising on Hotel turning from loss-making to profit , hotel business strategy planning , service quality consultancy , etc.

  19. 分别在稳定和随机环境下对铁路资产委托代理经营中基数的确定办法进行了研究;

    And the method of how to decide the base number under either stable and random circumstances in the commission operation of railway property was studied ;

  20. 还有认为BOT是一种委托管理与经营的、或是一种投资方式的,或是一种项目融资方式的许多观点。

    There are also other scholars who think that BOT is a kind of trust management or a way of investment or a kind of project financing .

  21. 以科学的评估结果作为参考依据,帮助委托方识别经营风险。

    Distinguish the management risk of clients by a high level of valuation results .

  22. 第四部分:贪污罪主体类型之二&受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员。

    Part ⅳ, Persons authorized to administer and manage State-owned property & thesecond kind of subject of corruption offence .

  23. 企业托管是在不改变所有权的情况下,将企业委托给有经营管理能力的一方去有偿经营。

    Enterprise trusteeship is to entrust an enterprise to another that is capable of management without changing its ownership .

  24. 禁止将危险废物提供或者委托给无经营许可证的单位从事收集、贮存、处置的经营活动。

    It is forbidden to supply or entrust hazardous waste to units that do not have the operation license for collection , storage and treatment .

  25. 通过调查发现:1笼式足球场地器材由各试点城市足球协会负责管理,足球协会或自己运营,或委托其他机构经营。

    The research found out that first , all the equipments of cage-football managed by the experimental city , operated by Football Association or other institutions .

  26. 受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员可以构成贪污罪主体,但却不能构成受贿罪主体。

    Any person entrusted to administer and manage state-owned property can constitute the subject of acceptance of bribes , but cannot constitute the subject of corruption crime .

  27. 即其第1款规定的国家工作人员和第2款规定的受国家机关、国有公司、企业、事业单位、人民团体委托管理、经营国有财产的人员。

    That is " the state functionary " in its first item and " the personnel who are entrusted by the government office , state-owned corporation , enterprise , institution , mass organization to administer or manage state-owned property " in its second item .

  28. 关联交易是中国上市公司进行舞弊的重要领域,主要包括:虚构交易事项、价格差交易、委托或受托经营和分摊费用等方法在关联企业之间进行利益输送。

    Related party transactions listed companies in China main areas of fraud , including : fictitious transactions ," price difference " trading , delegated or entrusted with the operation and cost-sharing and other methods to achieve the transfer of benefits between the associated enterprises .

  29. 犯罪主体历来是职务犯罪研究的难点,公务行为的理解,混合所有制企业中单位性质的认定,受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员是本文关注的重点。

    Subject of crime is always the difficulty in the duty crime research . Official business behavior understanding , unit nature recognizing in mix system of ownership enterprise , mandatory administration , manages the state-owned property personnel are the key point this article pays attention .

  30. 在埃迪达到法定年龄之前,该公司将委托他人代为经营。

    The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age .