
yú lè chǎnɡ suǒ
  • Entertainment venues;public place of entertainment;recreation places
  1. 设计过的项目有餐饮,住宅,办公,娱乐场所,医院,银行等。

    The items we designed including : catering , lodging , office building , public place of entertainment , hospital , bank and so on .

  2. 当我无意中熟悉了你,当我在娱乐场所里遇见了你,心理的酸楚没人可以知晓,也无人可以去诉说和发泄。

    Knew you inadvertently when me , you were encountered in public place of entertainment when me , distressed nobody of psychology is OK and witting , unmanned also and OK go recount and abreacting .

  3. 这个度假胜地是富翁名流的娱乐场所。

    The resort is a playground of the rich and famous .

  4. 电影院是个娱乐场所。

    A cinema is a place of entertainment .

  5. 全市公园、景区、图书馆、博物馆、影剧院等室内外文化娱乐场所按75%限流开放;

    Indoor and outdoor cultural and entertainment venues spots , libraries , museums and theaters will be allowed to receive visitors up to 75 percent of capacity ;

  6. 同时,文化和旅游部最近下发通知指出,疫情低风险地区,对文化娱乐场所接待消费者人数比例不再做统一限制。疫情低风险地区政府根据当地疫情防控形势自行掌握文化娱乐场所接待消费者人数比例。

    Local authorities in low-risk areas now have the autonomy to decide on attendance cap at cultural and entertainment venues based on local COVID-19 conditions , according to the circular .

  7. 宾馆附设室外标准网球场、拉OK厅等各种娱乐场所和设施。

    The hotel has standard outdoor tennis field and Kara OK hall .

  8. 娱乐场所性服务人员HIV感染状况及行为学调查

    A survey on HIV infection and risk behavior information among sex workers in entertainment sites

  9. 克拉玛依市娱乐场所暗娼人群AIDS综合干预效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of AIDS related integrated interventions among female sex workers in entertainment settings in Karamay city

  10. 南宁市娱乐场所AIDS健康教育和行为干预效果分析

    Results of intervention of AIDS health education and behavior in sex workers in entertainment places in Nanning City

  11. 云南省大姚县娱乐场所女性从业人员HIV监测结果分析

    Analysis on results of HIV monitoring for female jobholders in public places of entertainment in Dayao County

  12. 娱乐场所艾滋病预防干预效果的meta分析

    Meta analysis of effects of interventions for preventing HIV / AIDS in entertainment establishments

  13. 周日晚上,布兰妮身穿一身超级迷你的红裙,和一群女友到纽约商业区热门娱乐场所ONE消遣。

    The singer , 25 , who has been XXXXXX the social rounds in New York City this month , arrived with a group of girlfriends at the downtown hot spot ONE on Sunday night wearing a micro-mini red dress .

  14. 单项指标质量指数评价表明:影响文化娱乐场所卫生质量的主要因素为CO2、噪声、CO。

    The assessments on single index showed that the affecting factors of sanitary quality of public places of entertainment were the levels of CO2 , noise and CO.

  15. 目的分析广安市娱乐场所性工作者HIV感染现状及艾滋病相关知识的知晓情况,为进一步开展艾滋病健康教育干预措施提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the HIV infectious status and correlated knowledge and awareness among sex workers in Guang'an entertainment places for the further intervention on HIV prevention .

  16. 基于FDS的公共娱乐场所火灾分析

    Analysis on the Fire of Recreation Area Based on FDS Numerical Simulation

  17. 目的评价大理市娱乐场所性服务人员AIDS综合干预效果,为AIDS综合干预工作提供参考。

    Objective The study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of comprehensive intervention of prevention and control of AIDS for entertainment sex workers in Dali City in order to provide references for comprehensive intervention for prevention and control of AIDS .

  18. 王令麟及其他东森媒体集团主管同时涉嫌贿赂台北市政府官员,以赢得运营台北巨蛋(TaipeiArena)的合同。台北巨蛋是台湾领先的运动和娱乐场所。

    Mr Wang and other EMG executives were also charged with bribing Taipei city government officials to win a contract to run the Taipei Arena , a leading sports and entertainment venue .

  19. 目的调查龙岩市娱乐场所女服务员性病艾滋病知识掌握情况及与HIV感染相关危险行为发生状况,探讨HIV/AIDS流行趋势,为制定适合本地情况的HIV/AIDS干预措施提供科学依据。

    Objective To Investigate the HIV / AIDS knowledge and high risk behavior in females working at recreational places in Longyan city , Fujian province . Discuss the tendency of HIV / AIDS , offer science basis for Intervention measure that suits local condition .

  20. 目的通过调查了解克拉玛依市娱乐场所女性服务人员性病(STD)感染状况、艾滋病的有关知识、态度和行为,避孕套使用情况等,探索在该人群中开展行为干预的方法与措施。

    Objective To understand the STD infection situation , HIV / AIDS knowledge , attitude and risk behaviors and condoms use among women working in public places for entertainment in Karamay , explore methods and measures of the behavior intervention .

  21. 目的通过对娱乐场所女性从业人员开展HIV监测,掌握娱乐场所从业女性对艾滋病预防知识的了解和该人群HIV感染状况。

    Objective This study was designed to understand through HIV monitoring carried out among female jobholders in public places of entertainment the knowledge of the group about prevention and control of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS ), as well as the HIV infection situation of this group .

  22. 这些开发项目旨在为香港带来新的文化和娱乐场所,最近为该区域举办的设计竞赛参与者包括诺曼?福斯特和OMA。

    These developments are aimed at bringing new cultural and entertainment venues to Hong Kong , and the most recent competition for the district included entries by Norman Foster and OMA .

  23. 结论:计划行为理论较好的解释了低档娱乐场所FSWs的安全套使用行为意向及行为。

    The behavior was directly affected by behavior intention and perceived behavior control , the direct effect was 0.183 、 0.638 . Conclusion : The theory of planned behavior can well explain the condom use among the FSWs who are in the low grade entertainment .

  24. 休闲娱乐场所空气中细菌、真菌状况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Airborne Bacterium and Fungi in Relaxation Hall

  25. 学校的食品卫生管理优于学校的公共娱乐场所卫生管理;

    Food hygiene management was better than public recreation place management .

  26. 大型娱乐场所空调空气品质的改善措施

    Improving Measures of Air Quality of Air-Conditioning on Large-sized Recreation Ground

  27. 公共娱乐场所安全出口的设计

    The Designing of the Safety Exit in Public Place of Amusement

  28. 一是制定宁夏游戏娱乐场所发展规划。

    First , the development of Ningxia game entertainment development plan .

  29. 但是人们想靠近他们的工作和娱乐场所而居。

    But people wanted to be near their work and entertainment .

  30. 浅析公共娱乐场所消防安全现状及对策

    Discussion on public recreation ground fire protection safety condition and policy