
  1. 在美国,社交媒体的成长促进了在线广告的发展,例如Facebook上的目标广告。

    In the US , the growth of social media has contributed to the development of online advertising , such as targeted ads on Facebook .

  2. 她还说,这种变迁也是为千禧一代客户所打造,这一代也是同社交媒体一起成长的。

    And part of the shift will be designing for a millennial customer who also has grown up with social media , she added .

  3. 因此,如何监管这一新兴媒体健康成长成为不可忽视和逾越的问题。

    Therefore , how to monitor the orderly growth of this emerging media , health , and can not be ignored and the paschal problem .

  4. 而绘画又会不会在新媒体技术的成长中死亡呢?

    And painting will be killed in the growth of new media ?

  5. 当代美国人是在闹哄哄的政治和苛刻的媒体环境下成长起来的,他们觉得自己在直面错误方面堪称是专家。

    Modern Americans shaped by raucous politics and a rapacious media like to think of themselves as experts in confronting mistakes .

  6. 随着经济、技术的不断发展,电视媒体自身的成长及其生态环境都发生了显著的变化。

    As the economy , technology continues to evolve , television media themselves and the ecological environment have undergone profound changes .

  7. 在过去10年里,媒体培训产业迅速成长。

    The media training industry has mushroomed over the past decade

  8. 艾尔丹姆·莫拉里奥格鲁(ErdemMoralioglu)认为自己的企业是随着数码科技与社交媒体的崛起一同成长的:2006年出现了Twitter,同年,艾尔丹姆品牌登陆伦敦时装周。

    Erdem Moralioglu has seen his business grow alongside the rise of digital technology and social media : Twitter debuted in 2006 , the same year Erdem did during London Fashion Week .

  9. 现代媒体对儿童文化成长的影响研究

    The Research on the Effect of Modern Media on Children 's Culture Grow Up

  10. 而媒体本身的高成长高收益性和长期以来我国的特殊政策造就的媒体巨大的发展空间又强烈地吸引着业外资本。于是,业外资本与传媒业的合作就成为必然趋势。

    The media attracts the outer-media capitals for the high growth and high rent ability and enormous development space that made by special policy of our country for a long time , then it becomes the inexorable trend for the cooperation between the media and outer-media capitals .

  11. 近年来,传统媒体的加速下滑和互联网媒体的快速成长成为全球共同的趋势。

    Recently , it is a common global tendency that traditional media are on decline in a quick speed while the internet media are booming .