
  1. 使用得越来越广泛的移动媒体包括汽车车厢板、户外展示和车站招贴,它们会有上百万兼坐公共交通工具者做观众。

    The increasingly used transit media include ear cards , outside displays , and station posters which reach millions of riders of public transportation .

  2. 官方媒体关注汽车质量的同时,有迹象表明中国官员对国外品牌在中国这一全球最大的汽车市场占据主导地位感到不悦。在中国,国外汽车品牌享有质量好的声誉。

    The focus on cars comes amid signs of frustration from Chinese officials over the dominance in the world 's largest auto market of foreign brands , which enjoy a reputation for quality here .

  3. 新型媒体处理器应对汽车电子发展需求

    New Media Processor Meets the Need for Development of Auto-Electronics

  4. 媒体成员和汽车业人士这个星期可以进入车展。

    Members of the media and the auto industry have access to the Auto Show this week .

  5. 在看到摩根汽车后,约翰逊非常开心,他向媒体夸耀这些汽车能跑多快。

    The mayor lit up when he saw the Morgans , boasting to the press how fast they were .

  6. 丰田章男常常用这个词来说明丰田汽车的设计所需体现的激情。他在4月份告诉媒体,丰田汽车的设计过程“过于民主”,导致产品平淡无奇。

    Mr. Toyoda often uses that phrase to illustrate the passion needed in his company 's vehicles , the design of which he told reporters in April was ' too Democratic ' to inspire .

  7. 印度媒体报道,顶级汽车制造商玛鲁蒂铃木公司叫停一场持续14天的罢工,此次罢工严重影响到产量。

    Workers at India 's top car maker Maruti Suzuki have called off a14-day strike which had seriously affected production , media reports say .