
  1. 儿童·电视·教育&尼尔·波兹曼的媒介教育观

    Children , TV and Education & Nei Postman 's Media Education Ideas

  2. 分布式认知视角中的媒介新观

    New View On Media in Perspective of Distributed Cognition

  3. 梅罗维茨的媒介文化观系统而完善。

    Meyrowitz 's media cultural theory system is perfect .

  4. “检讨书”的文本中透露出《文艺报》的媒介价值观及媒介姿态;

    Self-criticism Text revealed the media values and media gesture of Wenyi Bao ;

  5. 敦煌壁画艺术的生存:一种媒介发展观的视角

    The Existence of Dunhuang Frescos Art : a perspective of a media development view

  6. 而子辈的信息寻求动机、媒介利弊观、社会功利动机和内容多元等媒介观念会对子辈媒介素养有影响。

    Media conceptions like information quest motivation , perceptions of media Cost and benefits , social utility motivation and content diversity will have influence on the younger generation .

  7. 媒介受众观是指媒介如何看待受众、如何对待受众,受众观集中反映了传播者与受众的关系,也可以说是围绕这种关系展开的新闻传播活动。

    Media audience concept means how the media refers to the audience , and how deals with the audience , Audience concept reflect the relationship of promoters and audiences , it can also be said that this relationship is started on the information dissemination activity .

  8. 具体来看,本文从话语、内容和方式三个方面来分析电视媒介对就业观的建构。

    Specifically , this paper analyze it from three aspects , discourse , content and mode .

  9. 潜隐而可能:国民性因素对媒介确立生态世界观之违碍

    Factors of National Character to Obstruct China 's Media from Having Ecological World Outlook

  10. 对于中国媒介确立这种世界观,某些国民性因素是潜在的反对因素,可能起到违碍作用,需要中国媒介加以克服。

    Some latent factors of the national character are opposite to the ecological world outlook and may obstruct China 's media from having it , so , it is necessary for China 's media to overcome the factors of the national character .

  11. 青少年新媒介使用-满足动机与新媒介素养观

    Young People 's New Media Motive of " To Use-To Meet " and the New Concept of Media Literacy

  12. 论媒介文化研究的两条路径&法兰克福学派和英国文化研究学派媒介文化观差异之比较

    Two routes to media culture : a comparison of media culture views between the Frankfurt School and Culture Studies School

  13. 我们在实施媒介素质教育的时候,首先应当引导大学生抱着积极的态度来认识和理解媒介的政治属性,并牢牢把握我国媒介价值观的理论来源;

    When we train college students ' media qualities , firstly we should make colleges students hold a right view about the media 's politics attribute and firmly grasp the theoretic origin of media value .