
  • 网络subfolder;subfolders
  1. skin扩展名,在主题子文件夹中创建一个新的文本文件。

    To create a skin create a new text file in your theme subfolder with A.Skin extension .

  2. 示例安装程序在子文件夹sample中,实际上它包含了开发您自己的安装程序所需的所有东西。

    The sample installer is in the subfolder called sample , which contains virtually all you need for developing your own installers .

  3. 对于exchange组织中的每个管理组,此文件夹都包含一个对应的独立子文件夹。

    This folder contains a separate subfolder for each administrative group in your exchange organization .

  4. 响应文件包含对该文件夹及其子文件夹中的所有Web服务的引用。

    The response file contains references to all Web services in that folder and in its subfolders .

  5. 如果你还希望安排得更为有序些的话,你还可以建立一个Audio子文件夹。

    You may also want to add a subfolder called Audio to keep organized .

  6. app文件夹包含几个存储脚本的子文件夹。

    The app folder contains several subfolders where a developer stores scripts .

  7. folder菜单,其中列出子文件夹

    A folder menu to list the subfolders

  8. 此名称将是整个项目的封闭名称,可以在其中包括与所选名称同名的子文件夹和Web应用程序。

    This name will be the enclosing name for your entire project , where you can include subfolders and Web application with names of your choosing .

  9. 要将web包部署到该网站的子文件夹中,请使用默认目标,或者单击“浏览”并选择您的网站中的另一个文件夹。

    To deploy the web package into a subfolder of that site , either use the default destination , or click browse and choose another folder in your web site .

  10. 这会自动创建一个名为developerWorks的子文件夹。

    This will create a sub-folder named developerWorks .

  11. 存储库是文件系统或ECM系统中某个指定的文件夹,包含子文件夹。

    A repository is a specified folder , including subfolders , in a file system or in an ECM system .

  12. 键入子文件夹的名称,此子文件夹将存储在sharepoint文档库中。

    Type a name for this subfolder that will be stored in the SharePoint document library .

  13. 这个新文件夹结构拥有一个根文件夹acme,子文件夹布局模拟WebSphereCEAFeaturePack提供的cea模块的布局。

    The new folder structure has a root folder of acme , and the subdirectory layout mocks that of the cea module provided by the WebSphere CEA Feature Pack .

  14. 在下载了ApacheWookie源代码后,子文件夹widgets中就包含了其他Widget的源代码。

    After downloading the Apache Wookie source code , look in the widgets subfolder to find the source code for other widgets .

  15. 并在课程文件夹中建立子文件夹images存放试题对应图片,在题库表字段中增加picture字段放置图片存放路径,实现图片输入输出。本系统的资料都储存在数据库里。

    Then , the test corresponding images were stored in the subfolder images of course folder , and added picture field to store image storage route in database list field . So the input and output of images were realized .

  16. 打开这个文件夹,再打开bin子文件夹,然后双击应用程序ZDE。

    Open this folder , open the bin subfolder , then double-click the application named ZDE .

  17. 注意:正如我们稍后要讨论的,CSS文件在运行时复制到Monitorthemes子文件夹中,从而使CSS文件中的URL为相对于themes文件夹的相对路径。

    As we 'll discuss later , the CSS file is copied to the Monitor themes subdirectory at run-time , so the URLs in the CSS file are relative to the themes folder .

  18. 附件的完整MIME标头集存储在子文件夹MIMEHeaders下面,数据本身表示为BLOB。

    The complete set of MIME headers for the attachment is stored under the subfolder MIME_Headers , and the data itself is represented as a BLOB .

  19. 介绍Jaxer根文件夹时,我提到了它里面有几个子文件夹。

    When I described the Jaxer root folder , I mentioned that there are several subfolders within it .

  20. 如果网站包含在iis中标记为应用程序的子文件夹,则当预编译父文件夹时,将不会编译子应用程序。

    If a web site contains a subfolder that is marked as an application in iis , the child application is not compiled when you precompile the parent folder .

  21. 不推荐用于数量很大的子文件夹与文档。

    Not recommended for large numbers of child folders and documents .

  22. 排除的文件夹和子文件夹在还原时将不可用。

    Excluded folders and subfolders will not be available for restoring .

  23. 用当前文件夹及其子文件夹创建书签菜单

    Create the Bookmarks menu with the current folder and its children

  24. 无法在“收藏夹”中创建某个文件夹的子文件夹。

    You cannot create a subfolder of a folder in favorites .

  25. 替换所有带继承权限的子文件夹和文件上的现有权限

    Replace existing permissions on all subfolders and files with inheritable permissions

  26. 将新的公用子文件夹添加到此文件夹

    Add new subfolders of the public folder to this folder

  27. 创建文件共享和可选子文件夹的索引

    Create an index of a file share and optional subfolders

  28. 子文件夹的名称即是主题的名称。

    The name of the subfolder is the name of the theme .

  29. 放映幻灯片时,不能放映子文件夹快捷方式中的图片。

    Slide shows can 't include pictures from subfolder shortcuts .

  30. 浏览选择文件夹或子文件夹时出错。

    An error occurred while browsing to the selected folder or subdirectory .