
  • 网络Storage Area Network;SAN;sans;IP-SAN
  1. 基于Agent的存储区域网络(SAN)智能管理技术

    Agent-based Intelligent SAN Management

  2. 存储区域网络是通过网络的方式连接存储设备和应用服务器的,这个网络专用于服务器和存储设备之间的访问。

    SAN connects the storage devices and application servers through the network , and this network is specially used for access between servers and storage devices .

  3. 许多IT机构使用存储区域网络(StorageAreaNetworks,SAN)来存储他们的应用程序数据。

    Many IT shops use Storage Area Networks ( SAN ) to store their application data .

  4. 数字图书馆与存储区域网络(SAN)

    The Digital Library and Storage Area Network ( SAN )

  5. 存储区域网络(SAN,即storageareanetwork)是一个连接服务器和存储设备的网络,是存储区域中最流行的技术。

    A network connecting servers and storage devices , Storage Area Network ( SAN ) is the most popular technology in the storage field .

  6. 我们发现一个潮流,即人们越来越多地使用存储区域网络(SAN)解决方案。

    We 're noticing a trend towards using more storage area network ( SAN ) solutions .

  7. 光纤通道协议(FibreChannelProtocol,FCP)是专为存储区域网络开发的用于数据快速传输的协议。

    Fibre Channel Protocol ( FCP ) is designed for high-speed data transmission of storage area network .

  8. 目前,SAN(存储区域网络)是解决这些问题的一种流行技术。

    Now , the SAN ( Storage Area Network ) is a popular technology to solve these problems .

  9. 存储区域网络(SAN)的出现,较好的解决了数据的高可用性、安全性以及存储性能方面的问题。

    Storage Area Network ( SAN ) has solved the problems of high availability , security and performance better .

  10. 来自存储区域网络(SAN),分配给VIOS。

    From the storage area network ( SAN ) and assigned to VIOS .

  11. 从存储区域网络(SAN)启动服务器可以在这方面提供明显的好处。

    Booting servers from a storage area network ( SAN ) can provide significant benefits in this kind of situation .

  12. 与服务器人员讨论存储区域网络(SAN)相对于传统服务器存储的优点。

    Discuss the advantages of a storage area network ( SAN ) over traditional server storage with the server staff .

  13. 由于客户不断部署存储区域网络(SAN)技术,因此SAN迅速成为全服务网络。

    As customers continue to deploy storage-area network ( SAN ) technology , the SAN is rapidly becoming a full-service network .

  14. 本文就SAN(存储区域网络)技术在高校图书馆网络中的应用谈了自己的看法。

    The article expounds some viewpoints about the use of SAN ( storage area network ) Technique in the academic libraries .

  15. SAN存储区域网络(storageareanetwork)是服务器与存储系统之间数据通信的高速网络,具有速度快、高可靠性、可扩展性、简单等优点,在数据中心中已得到广泛应用。

    SAN Storage Area Network is the high-speed data communication network between server and storage systems , with high reliability , scalability , and simple , having been widely used in the data center .

  16. 存储区域网络(storageareanetwork&SAN)为日益增长的信息存储和管理需要提供了很好的解决途径,但也带来了新的挑战,即如何高效地进行SAN管理的问题。

    SAN ( Storage Area Network ) is a good solution for storing and managing the increasing information . But a problem needing to deal with is how to manage SAN efficiently .

  17. 所有分页空间应该建立镜像,或者放在RAID(1或5)存储区域网络(SAN)上。

    All page spaces should either be mirrored or on a raided ( 1 or5 ) storage area network ( SAN ) .

  18. 我们假定您已掌握AIX系统管理和Cisco存储区域网络(SAN)的配置技能。

    It is assumed that you have both AIX system administration and Cisco storage area network ( SAN ) configuration skills .

  19. 与此同时,专门为存储区域网络开发的FC(FibreChannel)技术已经被确立成为SAN互连的精髓[1]。

    At the same time , the technology developed specifically for SAN & FC ( Fibre Channel ) has been established as the essences of SAN interconnect .

  20. 设计了一种基于IP存储区域网络的远程引导技术,该技术的核心是运行在裸机下的固件协议栈。

    A new remote boot technology based on IP storage area network was designed , and the core technology of it is the firmware protocol stack running under bare machine platform .

  21. 假设位于一个存储区域网络(SAN)存储阵列上的数据库在每次对它运行某个查询时具有糟糕的性能。

    Suppose a database that resides on a storage area network ( SAN ) storage array exhibits poor performance every time a certain query is run against it .

  22. 理论上,S3是一个全球存储区域网络(SAN),它表现为一个超大的硬盘,您可以在其中存储和检索数字资产。

    Logically , S3 is a global storage area network ( SAN ), which appears as a super-big hard drive where you can store and retrieve digital assets .

  23. 本课程将着重讨论在IP上进行存储区域网络扩展的FCIP解决方案。

    This session will focus on Fibre Channel over IP ( FCIP ) solutions for storage area network ( SAN ) extension over IP .

  24. 基于存储区域网络(storageareanetwork,SAN)异构机共享文件系统正是为实现开放平台和大型机对存储资源的共享访问而设计的。

    SAN-based Shared File System for Dissimilar Systems is designed just for realizing shared access of resource between Open Systems and Mainframes . The system has two networks : one is SAN ( Storage Area Network ), and the other is LAN ( Local Area Network ) .

  25. SAN(存储区域网络)是类似于普通局域网的一种高速存储网络。它通过专用的集线器、交换机和网关建立起与服务器和存储设备(如磁盘阵列和磁带库)之间的直接连接。

    SAN ( Storage Area Network ) is a high speed network which is familiar with normal LAN ( Local Area Network ) . It is established with hubs , switches and gateways connected to the storage devices .

  26. 从下拉窗口中选择PortVSAN的适当虚拟存储区域网络(VSAN),或键入适当的VSAN号。

    Select the appropriate virtual storage area network ( VSAN ) from the PortVSAN from the pull-down window , or type in the appropriate VSAN number .

  27. 存储区域网络基于主机接口卡的负载均衡

    Load Balancing Based on Host Bus Adapters for Storage Area Networks

  28. 基于自主运算的自适应存储区域网络系统

    A Self-Adaptive Storage Area Network System Based on Autonomic Computing

  29. 存储区域网络中路径容错及负载均衡的研究

    Research on Fault Tolerant Paths and Load Balancing for Storage Area Networks

  30. 安全存储区域网络中加密卡驱动程序开发

    Driver development of encryption card in secure storage area network