
cún chǔ xìn xī
  • store information
  1. 随着互联网用户越来越依赖互联网来存储信息,人们是不是记得更少了?

    As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information , are people remember less ?

  2. 文中提供的示例演示了如何以可行方式在RationalTeamConcert中连接、检索和存储信息。

    The examples demonstrate how to connect , retrieve , and store information in Rational Team Concert in a practical way .

  3. 在一个充满机器智能的新文明中,我们可以很容易地访问存储信息的智能记忆网络。

    In a new civilization rich in machine intelligence , we have easy access to smart memory networks where information is stored .

  4. 本文演示了如何使用Java在RationalTeamConcert中验证、连接、检索和存储信息。

    This article demonstrates how you can authenticate , connect , retrieve , and store information in Rational Team Concert using Java .

  5. SQL数据库和JDBCAPI提供了一种轻松的方法用于存储信息和快速搜索先前存储的数据。

    An SQL database and the JDBC API provide an easy way of storing information and quickly searching previously stored data .

  6. NIS映射在一个包括两列的表中存储信息。

    NIS maps store information in a two column table .

  7. 我们项目的主要目的是建立一个学生智能程序文件学习系统,为每个使用Web教学系统学习的学生提供其存储信息和相应的历史记录。

    The major objective of our projects is to establish a student profiling system that provides a storage of learning history of each individual student , who used a Web - based teaching system .

  8. 到这时,用户可以编写shell脚本,在变量中存储信息和导出信息,控制文件描述符,控制信号处理,使用for循环和case语句,以及其他大量功能。

    Now , users could write shell scripts ; store and export information in variables ; control file descriptors ; control signal handling , for loops , and case statements ; and so much more .

  9. 基于tcp的服务端-客户端通信,服务端实现转发信息,存储信息,上线下线提示等功能。

    Tcp-based services to end-client communications , the server forwards the information to achieve , storage information , tips and other functions on the line off the assembly line .

  10. 这一过程是利用CATIA软件中的二次开发技术和其宏命令来完成的。并利用ACCESS存储信息,以方便查找相关信息。

    The secondary development and the macro command of CATIA are used in this system , and the database software of ACCESS is used to store the information for the design .

  11. 但是该示例的焦点在于存储信息的使用以用我们的好朋友SAX语法分析器来访问子文档。

    But the focus of the example is the use of stored information to access subdocuments using our good friend the SAX parser .

  12. 另外,Tivoli监视产品提供更深入、更丰富的操作系统、网络和存储信息,可以在OPMEE的system指示板中访问这些信息。

    Furthermore , Tivoli monitoring provides deeper , more extensive operating system , network , and storage information that you can access from within the system dashboard of OPM EE .

  13. 可以这样说,您可以使用普通的Java对象(或Groovy对象,就本文而言)来构建一个应用程序,这个应用程序可以像任何其他应用程序那样存储信息。

    Suffice it to say , you can use normal Java objects ( or Groovy objects , for that matter ) to build an application that can store information as you would in any other application .

  14. memcached客户机不必决定此信息,它只需对在存储信息时指定的键使用一个简单的散列算法。

    Instead of having to determine this information , the memcached clients use a simple hashing algorithm on the key you specify when storing the information .

  15. Wiki为协作提供了一个理想的平台,因为它们便于非技术人员使用,允许实时编辑,并为存储信息提供集中的存储库。

    Wikis provide an ideal platform for collaboration because they are easy for non-technical people to use , allow for real-time editing , and provide a centralized repository for storing information .

  16. 水文信息处理系统是在Windows环境下、用VISUALBASIC6.0高级语言研制开发的智能水文资料整编软件,引用数据库存储信息,调用Excel输出整编成果。

    The system of hydrologic information processing introduced in this paper is intelligent software for hydrologic data processing , which was developed by advanced program language-Visual Basic 6.0 in windows environment . The system applies the data from database and the results by Excel software .

  17. DMS总是以同一种格式(数据图)返回信息,它隐藏了实际的数据存储信息,在SDO应用程序和EIS之间提供了一层数据提取的功能。

    As a DMS always returns the information in the same format ( a Data Graph ), it hides the actual data storage and provides a level of abstraction between the SDO application and the EIS .

  18. 内存芯片就是存储信息的地方,巴兹回答。

    It 's a place to store information , @ Buzz answered .

  19. 因此,计算机加工存储信息技术引起人们的普遍关注。

    In consequence , computer handling and storage has become increasingly attractive .

  20. 必须通过.properties文件提供密钥存储信息;

    The key store information must be provided by a.

  21. 变量是用来存储信息的。

    A variable is used to store information .

  22. 关系数据库使用表格存储信息。

    A relational database stores information in tables .

  23. 给出了一种将故障硬盘上存储信息进行卸载处理的方案。

    A method of uninstalling the information stored in a fault hard disk is provided .

  24. 策略包括规则和到期间隔来确保存储信息的有效性。

    The polices include rules and expiration intervals to ensure the validity of the saved information .

  25. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加在网络上可以存储信息的物理卷。

    Drag onto the page to add a physical volume on a network that can store information .

  26. 首先,你长期在大脑的“架子”上存储信息。

    To begin with , you store information over time in the " shelves " in the brain .

  27. 依靠外部电源保持存储信息的一种存储设备。

    A specific storage unit which depends only on the external supply of power for maintenance of stored information .

  28. 然后,一个while循环迭代数据集,在一个方便的数组中存储信息以便将来进行显示。

    A while loop then iterates through the dataset , storing the information in a convenient array for later display .

  29. 如果没有集中的位置来收集和存储信息,信息可能会丢失,并且项目可能会受到损害。

    Without a centralized place to collect and store information , it can get lost and projects can begin to suffer .

  30. 然后,支付系统会自动扫描消费者面部,再把图像与数据库中的存储信息进行对比,以便完成交易。

    It then scans a database for the face and matches it to stored payment details in order to complete the transaction .