
  • 网络Inventory Management;VMI
  1. 实行ERP系统则可以使企业存货管理的各个环节发生根本性的变化。

    It can make each link of enterprise 's inventory management change fundamentally to apply ERP system .

  2. JIT存货管理与传统存货管理的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis on JIT Inventory Management and Traditional Inventory Management

  3. ERP促进存货管理现代化

    ERP Promotes the Modernization of Management of Inventory

  4. 介绍了ABC存货管理法,二八法则,价值链等理论知识。

    Introduced the ABC inventory management method , the rule of two eight , value chain theory .

  5. 存货管理新思维&从EOQ到JIT

    A New Thought on Inventory Management ── from EOQ to JIT

  6. ABC存货管理办法按照一定的标准,将企业的各类存货划分为A(重要存储)、B(一般存储)、C(不重要存储)三类,分别进行管理。

    ABC is the management method that divide all kinds of inventory in enterprise into A ( important storage ), B ( general storage ) and C ( trivial storage ), respectively according to certain standards .

  7. 用Excel的函数、控件等工具,建立存货管理的系统动力学模型,通过仿真计算,达到模拟并控制库存波动的目的。

    A model of system dynamics of stock management is built using function , control and other tools of Excel . Stock fluctuation can be simulated and controlled by the model .

  8. 本文研究了资金时间价值问题在存货管理中的地位,结合我国增值税的征收情况,对传统EOQ模型进行了必要的修正。

    The paper states the importance of time-value cost in inventory management , and makes some revision on the traditional EOQ mode by taking VAT into consideration .

  9. 自19世纪初EOQ模型问世以来,有关存货管理模式经历了1个世纪的发展演变,相继出现了MRP、VMI等新型存货管理模式。

    Ever since EOQ came into being in the early 19th , inventory management has experienced a century of development and evolvement , which develops new management patterns such as MRP and VMI .

  10. 梅盛才在其著文中对存货管理的四种模式作了介绍及比较,他认为存货管理模式有四种:EOQ模式、MRP模式、JIT模式、VMI模式。

    Mei Sheng cai describes inventory management and comparison of four models was introduced , he thinks there are four types of inventory management models : EOQ model , MRP model , JIT mode , VMI mode .

  11. 如运用ABC存货管理法加强存货管理,降低仓储费用;利用价值链等原理,加强招标管理,逐步向制造商倾斜,减少中间环节采购费用等。

    Such as the use of ABC inventory management method to strengthen the inventory management , reduce storage costs ; the use of value chain theory , strengthening bidding management , and gradually to the manufacturer to tilt , reduce intermediate links procurement cost .

  12. 北京桩机存货管理主要存在BOM变动频繁且不准确、采购生产和销售环节计划执行率低以及产品停产造成呆滞存货过多等问题。

    Beijing pile driver , inventory management , primarily in changes in frequency and not an accurate BOM , procurement of production and marketing of the low rate of implementation of the plan , and product cut-off excess inventory caused by the sluggish and so on .

  13. 中小企业如何加强存货管理

    How the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Strengthen the Inventory Management

  14. 计算机存货管理系统及其通用化分析

    The management system of computer stocking and it 's common analysis

  15. 奥的斯备件中心存货管理系统分析与控制

    System Analysis and Control for Stock Management of Otis Spare-Parts Center

  16. 谈存货管理软件的应用

    Talk on application for soft ware of goods in stock

  17. 利用物流资源加强存货管理

    Enhancing Existing Stock Management with the Resource of Goods Circulating

  18. 制造业存货管理研究

    Problems of Inventory Management in Manufacturing Industry and the Countermeasures

  19. 浅谈如何加强存货管理

    Simple Analysis on How to Strengthen the Management of Stock

  20. 供应链理念下我国企业存货管理方法研究

    Study on Enterprise Inventory Management Method Based on Supply Chain

  21. 浅谈企业存货管理中的零库存管理

    Talking about " Zero Inventory " Management in Enterprises ' Inventory Control

  22. 浅谈企业存货管理

    The Elementary Discussion on The Inventory Control in Enterprise

  23. 存货管理的基本决策问题归结为以下两个:1.订购或生产多少?

    There are two basic questions in inventory management .

  24. 企业存货管理模式比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Inventory Management Models in Enterprises

  25. 以强大的存货管理及报告系统,有效监控存货水准。

    Effective monitoring of stock levels with powerful inventory management and reporting systems .

  26. 浅谈如何加强存货管理加强政府监管彻查大案要案

    Simple Analysis on How to Strengthen the Management of Stock Strengthen Government 's Management

  27. 医院药品存货管理的缺陷

    Flaws of the Management of Hospital Medicine Stock

  28. 我们的电脑化的存货管理系统现已运转。

    Our computerized stock-comtrol system is now operative .

  29. 所以,此研究使用整数规划之方法来求解此一存货管理问题,使用此方法所建立的模型不仅容易应用于现实生活之中。

    In this study , we propose an integer programming method to solve the problem .

  30. 运用矩阵分析法研究成都三国公司的供应链存货管理模式

    Use the Matrix Analyzes Method to Research the Supply Chain Stock Management Model for Chengdu MIKUNI